2 Broke Girls

- Cancelled -
3.5  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Sep 19, 2011 - Apr 17, 2017








Caroline - Beth BehrsMax - Kat DenningsEarl - Garret MorrisOleg - Jonathan KiteHan Lee - Matthew Moy

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A comedy following the lives of two waitresses in New York City.

Max is a twenty-something girl who comes from a poor, working-class family. Caroline is from a wealthy family but is now broke and on her own.

They work together at a Brooklyn restaurant and become friends with dreams of someday opening a cupcake shop together.

Comments (132)

08/19/17 at 05:50pm

I'm so sad...my face just turned white and it still is...this was one ofmy fav shows...
S swordfish
07/19/17 at 08:03pm

Never in my life have I seen a show with so much canned laughter. There is literally not more than three seconds before there is another one. Now go back and watch it. See how I just ruined the show for you?You're welcome. Worst piece of garbage on TV.
06/25/17 at 03:28pm

I couldn't stand this show. So glad it's gone.
S swordfish
06/22/17 at 06:02pm

This show was on way too long. Thank God it's over.
06/21/17 at 05:56am

Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! I can't believe it! I just can't believe it! But I guess if they were going to go...this would be the cliff hanger I would want to be left on the edge of.
Ken in Las Vegas, NV
05/24/17 at 10:02pm

Glad to see this FILTH finally off the air !!!
Just Keith
05/17/17 at 02:26pm

Two morally bankrupt ho's is more like it.
05/16/17 at 11:26am

Hey guy this was a CBS show when you make a joke about liking it. (which no adult can) you have to tell the people to laugh or they won't know it was a joke. CBS has / is ruining tv. This was one of the best things you could do. Now get rid of laugh tracks.
05/16/17 at 10:26am

I loved this show and it needed one more season to tie up the loose ends. CBS bring it back for just ONE more season! Give any one of the actors a new vehicle. Here are some ideas:
*Sophie & Oleg
*Shortcomings -- Matthew Moy and Garrett Morris and 2 new waitresses
*Max and the Law -- Kat Dennings as a lawyer's wife
*Cupcakes - Beth Behrs keeps running the dessert bar which has become a nationwide phenomenon, making her rich again
CH Surfer
05/16/17 at 05:02am

Gonna miss Max's boobs and Caroline's butt other than that who cares

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