4.6 Avg User Rating
The new drama will not return for Season 2.
September 24, 2015
It is being reported that TNT has cancelled Proof after one season. The freshman drama, which starred Jennifer Beals and Matthew Modine, failed draw significant viewers during its 10-episode summer run, where it averaged roughly 2.1 million weekly viewers.
Comments (34)
09/30/15 at 01:32am
I liked the show very much and I am terribly disappointed that it was canceled. Jennifer Beals and Matthew Modine did beautiful acting jobs in this show. Weren't shows like Mash and Greys Anatomy rated poorly in the beginning of their run on TV? Perhaps "Proof" did not have enough advertising exposure? Wish TNT would reconsided.
09/29/15 at 08:47pm
TireBiter, I AM referring to WITHIN the context of this show's universe. Believe me, you dont have to tell ME non of it is actually true in real life, im an atheist, lol. But IN THE SHOW she came across some pretty convincing evidence almost every episode and at the start of each episode she seemed to reset to non believer mode. If somehow I could experience a fraction of what she experienced in real life, as atheist as I am, I might just have to reconsider. Figure the odds though. These people with their imaginary magic man in the sky, lol.
09/29/15 at 02:53pm
I tried this show,but it was not good..... Bye Bye
09/28/15 at 10:16pm
I'm through watching TNT shows. No matter how good they are, they get cancelled. Monday Morning, Dallas, Proof....all cancelled. I know my interest does not matter either, as I'm not in the 18-49 viewing group.
09/28/15 at 05:18pm
We liked this one. Too bad to see it axed. While it didn't completely settle the issue, it was seemingly well aimed at a good solid "maybe." It did offer PROOF however that having a good show, doesn't assure life after season one.
09/28/15 at 11:55am
09/27/15 at 06:01pm
Lindy it's not your age that makes your opinion not matter it's your lack of impulse shopping. People who are young spend their money on stuff they have no need for without hesitating. I bought a 5000$ Rolex when I was 18 when I was 22 I bought a brand new car just cause I wanted one even though I already had two. People 50 an older are all about saving for retirement and coupons. People younger feel they will be young for ever and will worry about retirement later.
09/26/15 at 10:45pm
I really liked this show too! However the networks only care about the age demographics that watch (18-49) for advertising purposes. I am older than 49, so my opinion apparently doesn't matter.
09/26/15 at 07:28am
For those that say it was a great show. Ask yourself why not many people watched it.
09/25/15 at 09:11pm
I am upset, it was one of the few new shows that were worth giving a 2nd season. These network channels don't seem to understand what they have done to themselves. No one wants to take a chance on new shows, because of how fast they cancel them. So, during the time the numbers are most important is when people aren't watching and are waiting to see if it is continued and watch the first season on a streaming service or their computer. The networks need to find a better way of doing things, because they are losing more and more viewers to pay channels and streaming, who make a commitment to their shows and viewers. They actually plan out the whole story and how long it will go, taking you from a beginning to an end and don't just keep a show going too long because of good ratings or too short due to bad ratings.
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