Fox will conclude the sci-fi drama with 13 final episodes.
April 27, 2012
Fox has announced that Fringe has been renewed for next season, which will see the series conclude with 13 final episodes. Amidst falling ratings and time slot changes over the years, Fringe has persevered, bolstered by its legion of loyal fans. The final, shortened season of Fringe is a smart way for the network to provide those fans a satisfying end to the series, rather than have the show pulled abruptly from the schedule mid-storyline.
Season 4 of Fringe is currently winding down, with three episodes remaining until the finale on Friday, May 11, 2012. The fifth season is scheduled for the 2012-2013 season, but no premiere date has been announced.
(Source: TV by the Numbers)
Mitchelle B
10/24/12 at 04:05pm
I have been a devoted fan since the first time it appeared on sky 1 Uk.I am so sad to see it go,I don't understand why These stations keep dropping the good stuff,and keeping the trash.I am wondering if it even make sense to have satilite tv,in the Uk,when Most time these days I cant find things I am loyal to,but have been replaced.I think fringe could have been still good for another 4years atleast,but it seems its will not be so.Anyway just want to say,to the cast,and makers of Fringe thank you for making my Wednesday nights very intresting,and exciting.I am one of your fans who is going to miss you...:'(
08/11/12 at 07:43pm
well this dos'nt suprize me it seems that fox has lost its mine,just when they were starting to become a fource in the tv world they cancel all the good shows they have and keep and start junk.they need new new servey people!!!
Hiway Dave
08/05/12 at 01:53am
It's to bad that this show is coming to an end but I'm happy that they at least get to end it in 13 episodes. This was a classy way to finalize this series. I'm looking forward to seeing how they wrap things up.
David S
07/24/12 at 06:30am
I love Fringe but understand why it's viewership has gone down - if you don't see if from the beginning, you can never really fully understand what's going on. I didn't start watching until the end of season two, and had to get the DVDs from previous episodes before I had a grasp on it. Great show. Reminds me a little of some of Stephen King's books having parallel/alternate universes (The Talisman and Black House in particular). Anyway, I'm glad they're bringing it back, even for a shortened season.
I Like Music
07/19/12 at 10:39pm
Quite interesting. I do not know exactly what to say, but at least I want to thank you :)
07/09/12 at 03:19am
Awesome episode. This is an ecnlleext show. I wish I jumped on board sooner. I've got a lot to say so I'll keep it brief.I did like that they resolved my biggest complaint about the S2 finale, which was that it made the other world feel like a bad and evil place as opposed to another world fighting for it's own survival. Introducing the Taxi Driver for the episode, having Charlie and Lincoln go to help who they think is thier friend. Those little things added up. It still hasn't rid the vibe that they are the villains but they'll get there if they keep adding those human touches. But what I really love. It's answered things, it's set up things but they've made it very clear that there's no resolution yet. This story is still going and there will be a few twists and turns on the way. The most immediate comparison I want to make is probably with Smallville which not as strong in some aspects but it does do over arching stories with the moster of the week idea. And as much as I groan and moan about it I do think it does build up rather well. Resolution is where that fails.But that isn't happening with Fringe right now. The S2 cliffhanger. Olivia stuck there.The start of this episode, some time has passed. Olivia is stuck there.The end of this episode. Olivia has been brainwashed and is still stuck there.And it won't be a stretch to think in a few episodes time. Olivia will still be stuck there. It's actually refreshing that there's no Deus Ex Machina resolve this soon. Anna Torv was fantastic in this episode. In a single episode she has made me feel sad and hopeless for Olivia, panic when she was brain washed and rage when Bolivia just appeared on screen. That's brilliant stuff. Yeah I also hope that they don't do a long set up on Bolivia. But I kind of hope they don't do the predictable and cliched thing and have Walter realise that Bolivia isn't their Olivia only for no one else to believe him for some time. The one thing I've heard that Joshua Jackson said he'd like to happen. He'd like for Peter to choose Bolivia only to realise that he chose wrong. I like that idea a lot.
05/14/12 at 10:53am
carol elson
05/10/12 at 08:05am
i love fringe my favorite show on tv,hate to see it end
05/05/12 at 09:56am
I better make sure I purchase the rest of the dvds cause sooner or later all the dvds will be sold like season 1 and 2 were and those were hard to find at the time.
05/04/12 at 03:15pm
I used to really like fringe but since they seemed (At least to me) to get away from one story/week and go to the alternate reality storyline every week, I just stopped watching.
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