No Season 2 for the supernatural drama.
January 25, 2024
It is being reported that Wolf Pack has been cancelled by Paramount+ after one season. The news comes a year after the supernatural drama debuted on the streaming service. Its 8-episode run was met with generally mixed reviews.
Based on the book series by Edo Van Belkom, the show followed two teenagers from California whose lives are changed forever when a wildfire awakens a terrifying supernatural creature. Wounded in the attack, the teens become inexplicably drawn to each other and to two fraternal twins who were adopted 16 years earlier by a park ranger after a similar wildfire. As the full moon rises, all four teenagers band together to unravel the secret that connects them - the bite and blood of a werewolf.
02/01/24 at 04:16am
The problem with this show was that it was a moody slow burn. It took too long to go anywhere. It wasn't until the last couple of episodes that we started to get answers about the pack, a budding love story, and just who Gellar's character was. For awhile I thought she might even be Buffy there to take care of the werewolves. That belief was quickly demolished in an instant at the end of one of the episodes.
But having said that, it was one of the best photographed shows I've seen in quite a while. Most of it took place at night during a firestorm in the LA hills. It made for incredible visuals. The teen actors were a bit uneven, but you had to admit they were very photogenic.
Would I have stuck it out for a second season? Hard to say, but it's moot now.
01/27/24 at 01:28am
anyone that watched more than 20 minutes of the first episode is a sucker. This was a stupid, shitty show with talentless hacks behind it. Only picked up because streaming services need ANYTHING to tout as new... even if it's total garbage, like this show.
Steven S
01/26/24 at 08:29pm
I watched the first season. I kind of figured we’d get to actually see them as wolves in season 2, but now that’s not happening.
I’m ready for these streaming services to go away. No point in having them when they’re constantly cancelling everything.
01/26/24 at 05:26pm
I'm about done watching any new shows unless I see that they get renewed for a season 2 ..
01/26/24 at 05:08pm
They never changed fully. Thos doomed the show. Gellar was good in it
01/26/24 at 11:59am
Just like a big production company to tease viewers. When viewers begin to show excitement for a show to get rid of programs. Critics don't control the likes and dislikes of viewers no one speaks for me people like what they like. This show is entertaining and keeps viewers interested.Paramount don't be like other TV networks and get rid of good shows 1 season isn't enough data of what to keep on and what to eliminate. Today's networks only care about reality shows. My personal opinion I hate reality shows they aren't entertaining to me they are like Soap Operas. I want to be entertained with a great TV show comedy , drama, action. Reality shows ruined entertainment TV for me. Please keep Wolf Pack on it has a great story line and a good show and you left your viewers hanging we want to see more of the plot.
01/26/24 at 09:50am
It wasn't a bad show. Kind of entertaining. Sarah Michelle Gellar's acting was Awful with a capital A though, lol. Loved her as Buffy but she was so wooden in this it was painful to watch.
01/26/24 at 04:43am
Wolf Pack deserved season 2 just like School Spirit which is about kids stuck in Purgatory both shows came out at the same time all these people are so attracted to the dead now day.
that guy
01/25/24 at 06:10pm
maybe if it was NOT put on a streaming only and released on the main CBS channel instead of just paramount+ only, just maybe people might have heard of it and maybe watched it!
01/25/24 at 03:00pm
Never watched it or heard of it until now. But it sounds super stupid just from the description.