The network reverses its decision to continue the show past Season 5.
August 8, 2011
Eureka fans will be disappointed to hear that Syfy has decided not to go ahead with the recently-announced sixth season of the show. This surprising news comes just days after plans were outlined for a shortened, six-episode Season 6 with the possibility of even continuing on past that.
As it stands now, Eureka's next season - its fifth - will continue as planned but will be its last. The second half of Season 4 is currently airing and will wrap up in September.
Syfy had this to say on the matter in a statement to
"After painstaking consideration, we have had to make the difficult business decision to not order a season six of Eureka. But Eureka is not over yet. There is a new holiday episode this December and 12 stellar episodes set to debut next year, marking its fifth season and six memorable years on Syfy. The 2012 episodes are some of the best we’ve seen, and will bring this great series to a satisfying end. We are very grateful to Bruce Miller and Jaime Paglia, their team of incredible writers, and an amazing cast and crew who have consistently delivered a series we continue to be very proud of. We thank the fans for their support of this show and know they will enjoy its final season in 2012."
Cory Casper
06/04/12 at 11:20am
**** You SyFy. After Eureka comes to an end, you have lost one more viewer! I'm assuming I won't be the last to never return to your **** channel. Horrible decision, and you should feel ashamed for making it! Whatever you decide to take Eureka's place will be gutter ****, I guarantee it! **** YOU!!
05/20/12 at 01:19pm
Very disappointed to see the show leaving. I have watched it since the beginning and thoroughly enjoyed every episode. You folks don't have many SciFi shows left and should really try to hold on to the good ones like Eureka, Haven and Warehouse 13. I don't watch any of the WWW, car or shaky camera 'ghost' shows. You're leaving me with little reason to keep you in my favorite channels list.
05/13/12 at 11:27am
Blocked SciFy now, they have turned to ****
03/15/12 at 07:08am
Another great show bites the dust. SyFy is turning into a junk program show. "Reality" TV isn't. It's prompted to make it dramatic. Since Comcast now owns Universal who owns SyFy,"Imagine Greater" has turned into no imagination at all!
03/06/12 at 11:21am
The cancellation of Eureka is insane.
I suppose having a series that requires more than an Elementary school education is too much to expect from your programmers.
One of the few intelligently written shows on TV, tickling the imagination, and actually enjoyable.
I guess this is why TV is called the Idiot Box...
01/11/12 at 07:32pm
First of all, I am never one to write comments but I AM FED UP! This has been a great show for families to enjoy together. I'm very surprised that you would keep Alphas and get rid of Eureka- not too smart in my opinion.
12/21/11 at 03:53pm
What is wrong with you people! You keep canceling all the good shows!! Like Stargate,Stargate Atlantis and now Eureka!! You need to change the name of your channel to some other Goofy name other than SyFy channel.Because WWW and reality TV IS NOT SYFY !!!!! If you want to have shows like this start another channel to show these show and bring back our SyFy shows !! Not this crap you are tring to shove down our throats!! You need to change the upper mgt. to fix this problem you are having. Right now your channel stinks!! Only a few good shows left on it. Remember a fish stinks from the head down not the tail up. You need to change the head people to fix your problem !! or your problem will fix its self when you loose all your viewers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/20/11 at 08:36am
its all about money,so stop paying bad management team you have now at syfy- it is turning into junk . used to be good not any more-take it of my cable bill.i wont as many others will be joining me not watching it any more,no star gate,atlantis,no eureka and no reason to watch it-fans made you a better rated network-you don't care about fans-not rateings so change name to wrestling and other junk because you aren't syfy- i don't know or like what you are becoming.hope all syfy fans cancel you
from their cable bill-i will.hope a real syfy channel will come along they will make all the money you lost because we have the numbers and will watch them .you aren't loyal to us ,just another bad decision at syfy.maybe we should all write oprah, she needs good tv shows Eureka on OWN .i can see it-start writing forks.i know i will be writing her today.
10/10/11 at 05:25pm
Very sad at cancellation. . I don't watch reality shows or vampire shows so replace this quality show with something of equal quality.
09/19/11 at 10:02pm
Pathetic. At this rate, all that SyFy will be showing is so-called "reality" shows and wrestling. If I wanted to destroy a network, I would hire the geniuses running this one.
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