4.1 Avg User Rating
The network has pulled the series from its schedule effective immediately.
January 22, 2013
ABC has pulled sophomore comedy Don't Trust The B---- In Apartment 23 from its schedule, effectively canceling the series. The show has eight un-aired episodes that have already been filmed, but there is no word on when - or if - the network will air them.
Beginning Tuesday, January 29, two back-to-back episodes of Happy Endings will air in the 9:00-10:00pm time slot until March, when the next season of Dancing with the Stars kicks off.
(Source: Twitter)
Comments (69)
02/06/13 at 09:49pm
I can't believe people actually watch this crap
02/06/13 at 03:52pm
This may not have been the best show around, but it was good, and I believed that it had a relatively sizable following. Hopefully, some cable channel with a hole in their lineup will buy the rights/remaining episodes and then make a determination whether to renew it.
02/06/13 at 01:00pm
You cancelled this show. NOT FAIR AT ALL.
02/01/13 at 02:37pm
01/31/13 at 11:40pm
Totally loved show...don't cancel it!!
01/31/13 at 09:26pm
I'm going to quit watching anything ABC has on. It doesn't pay to watch their shows and get into them only to have them pull them. Apt 3B was a great show. So funny!! So much better than Happy Endings! One of the best sitcoms on the air right now. I agree withe everything Sandi said. Who makes these decisions? Great shows cancelled on Abc last year. then this year it was 666, Last Resort and now Apt 3B. All 3 great shows. I'm switching to CBS or cable shows. They appear to get much more support from their networks and the networks appear to listen to the fans! Sick of reality shows! I just want to watch good television comedies and dramas!
01/31/13 at 10:13am
It does seem like ABC, in fact all networks seem to be making decisions and don't care to get input from those of us who actually watched the show. It really doesn't pay to get into any show. That way you won't miss it as much when some jerk decides we need ANOTHER reality show on in it's place. I know they're cheaper to make but dear GOD, STOP now. There are far too many completely ridiculous reality shows on TV now. We really DON'T need another one!!!! PLEASE HEAR MY PLEA!!! NO MORE REALITY SHOWS!!!
01/31/13 at 09:32am
I don't get how this show gets canceled but all the other junk stays on for season after season!
01/30/13 at 05:22pm
Please bring it back!!!!! TOO Funny!!!!!!!I loved it!!
01/30/13 at 05:03pm
ABC Suck big time!!!!!!!!!!!
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