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The new reality series will return in 2014.
May 6, 2013
TLC has renewed freshman docu-drama Welcome To Myrtle Manor for a second season. The show will return in 2014 with 10 new episodes.
Myrtle Manor's first season wrapped up this past weekend, concluding a run that averaged 1.1 million weekly viewers.
(Source: Myrtle Beach Online)
Comments (63)
03/25/16 at 03:06am
Please bring Myrtlewood Manor back my family and I love the show.
03/12/16 at 08:53pm
We need shows like myrtle manor to watch the problems they all have and how they solve them .
03/12/16 at 08:50pm
My wife and enjoy watching myrtle manor.It is a refreshing change from the other shows We need a show like it to Brighton evening tv
10/20/15 at 06:03pm
I would love it if you brought back Myrtle Manner. We all miss it. It is nice to laugh at all the crazy residents. I'm with the other posts "Thank goodness Tlc got rid of Honey Bo Bo and Kate Gosslin" Say Yes to the Dress and my big fat fabulous life = boring. FAT = diabetics, heart problems, high blood pressure - Not so Fabulous when you have these problems, stroke and you die an early death! There are enough show about "little people" too
09/29/15 at 04:45pm
Hope to see myrtle manor back for season 4. My wife and I really have gotten to know the cast. We live in upstate sc and we visit once a year when we vacate there. You have to bring it back.
08/30/15 at 05:08pm
Please bring back Myrtle Manor. You really don't have any other shows worth watching except this one..so totally different from most reality shows. Please reconsider.
06/03/15 at 05:16pm
I enjoy Myrtle Manor sooooo much. Please bring them back for a 4th season! Please.
05/14/15 at 09:05pm
PLEASE, PLEASE bring back the show. I love that show. Every time TLC gets a good clean show they take it off the air and for what, shows that people don't care to watch. For once TLC do something that the people want. Please bring it back.
Did you cancel it because there was no nudity or vulgar language. I for one was glad to see a good wholesome show on the t.v. for once and funny and I think I can speak for a lot of people.
Did you cancel it because there was no nudity or vulgar language. I for one was glad to see a good wholesome show on the t.v. for once and funny and I think I can speak for a lot of people.
01/03/15 at 04:54pm
Myrtle Manor is so funny. I love this show. I've not missed one episode. Marvin the Security Guard is the best!
12/05/14 at 06:01pm
Unfortunately I wrote my opinion before reading others comments. I can't believe two irrate viewers mentioned The Golden Girls in a negative manner. I guess these people have not heard of the emmys or . Betty White is still a remarkable actress at the age of 90 plus. Also the girl who did not spell people correctly, is a good representative of someone who knows nothing. I do feel that some of TLC's shows are poorly directed but all I do is change the station
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