4.5 Avg User Rating
The drama will return for 2014-2015.
May 8, 2014
It is being reported that The CW has renewed Hart of Dixie for a fourth season. The drama has been enjoying a successful run since its premiere in 2011, drawing fairly steady viewership year after year - though its numbers have dipped a little as of late.
At this time no details on Season 4 have been announced.
Update: Season 4 of Hart of Dixie will premiere on Monday, December 15 at 8:00pm before moving to its regular Friday time slot on Friday, January 9, 2015 at 8:00pm.
Comments (43)
12/17/14 at 05:58am
Saw all previous seasons on Netflix, love it, can't wait for season 4. Especially love Lemon Breeland's clothing. The girls are so feminine on the show.
12/11/14 at 04:01pm
My husband & I are addicted to this show. We love it. Watch it every night on Netflix. Ran out of seasons. Can't wait until #4. Warm, funny, so enjoyable. Thanks for another season.
11/21/14 at 12:56pm
great show. watch all 66 episodes 4ntimes already and plan on watching all again,
11/05/14 at 09:32am
It is great to hear that Hart of Dixie has not been canceled! There are so many shows now that are not worth watching, and this one is a winner. The characters are likeable and the shows are wholesome enough for the family to enjoy. I look forward to the new season!
10/19/14 at 01:32am
Love this show!!!! So glad there will be a 4th season. Hopefully there will be plenty more
10/13/14 at 10:26am
10/08/14 at 08:01am
I watched nothing but Hart of Dixie....flying from the Washington, DC to Dubai to the Philippines and back this past July. I started watching the show when it first came out but only manage to see it once in while these days so I was thrilled to watch all the available episodes on my long plane flights.
10/06/14 at 10:01pm
really like this show, have not heard when the new season starts. does anyone know?
10/03/14 at 05:04pm
Okay, the new shows on CW have started...NO signs of Hart of Dixie...What's going on? It is October? When is Hart of Dixie going to start?
10/03/14 at 01:33am
I love AB and Lavon they got to hook back up
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