5.0 Avg User Rating
The comedy will not return for Season 2.
September 8, 2014
It is being reported that ABC Family has cancelled Mystery Girls after its first season. The freshman comedy, which starred Tori Spelling and Jennie Garth, premiered in June and ran for 10 episodes. Ratings over the course of the show's stint were below par, sealing its early fate.
(Source: TV Line)
Comments (18)
10/02/14 at 04:18pm
I watched this show because I love jennie garth ive seen worse but it really wasn't very good I had a feeling it wasn't going to last she needs a show that doesn't have annoying people on it her last show had annoying people on it too. too bad for jennie I hope she does better next time.
10/02/14 at 01:53pm
I liked this show I thought it was funny. They keep stupid shows like honey boo boo and other crap but get rid of this and Dads :( Just plain sad
09/30/14 at 02:12pm
I would rather leave the TV off and stare at it for a half an hour than watch this crap-tastic show.
09/26/14 at 05:34am
Placing a FLAMBOYANTLY gay man on every show is becoming quite cliche. Not ALL gay men act effeminate or "queer". I'm not gay, but I find it so tiring to see every new sitcom have the overly effeminate gay man on it. Gay man, sure... but there are thousands of gay men out there that don't fit the stereotype TV is portraying. (Example, while not a great show, Undatable had a gay character which did not act effeminate yet story lines still contained sections revolving around his sexual preference. THAT was a rarity.) The stereotypes hollywood portrays are not doing the gay community any favors.But then Tori Spelling IS a drag queen right? She sure looks like it.
09/24/14 at 01:29pm
I like Jenni Garth but not Tori Spelling but I gave the show a chance. I could not stand that annoying assistant that they had. I made it to the second commercial break of first episode.
It isn't often I find something unwatchable but that was it.
It isn't often I find something unwatchable but that was it.
09/20/14 at 10:26am
I cannot understand how this atrocity made it past the first night. It was the worst show, with the worst acting I have ever seen. I could never have gotten through more then one episode. And sorry, but Tori Spelling is so homely I can't look at her.he looks just like a transvestite. And she obviously has the audacity to think she's cute. Ugh, Thank God they pulled this garbage.
09/15/14 at 12:51pm
I watched the first episode and it was soooo bad that I didn't watch any more. Was it written by a fifth grader? I didn't expect greatness but I didn't expect stupidity either. I expected to laugh at the comedy. The acting was almost pantomime. Jenny Garth can do better. She can be very funny in the right role.
09/12/14 at 06:43am
Oh my God how sad.. i loved this show.. it was funny as hell.. it kept me laughing.. The good ones are always cancelled..
09/11/14 at 09:25pm
While the worst thing ABC Family has put out, at least they knew not to keep it. Without any Reality shows on the network they had nothing else to fill the time than this drivel. It was an insult to all. A piece of trash from a lady who has, or had, 3 shows at once. From this to a trashy reality show to a remolding show. It is proof that she will do anything to keep her 90's fame.
09/11/14 at 03:37pm
I really enjoyed this show. Yes it was silly, but it was entertaining. I agree that they need to take the other mindless reality garbage off the tv and that they really should have aired the episodes in order. I'm sure it confused a lot of first time viewers by seeing the 2nd or 3rd episode before the pilot.
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