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The new reality series is pulled after two episodes.
April 7, 2015
A&E has reportedly cancelled its most-recent original series Neighbors with Benefits after just two episodes. The freshman reality show premiered on March 22 for a planned nine episode run, but after a tepid response the network decided over the weekend to pull it from the schedule.
Comments (14)
04/15/15 at 11:50am
As bad as most reality shows are, and contrived and scripted as we learned from "Scripted Reality" Duck Dynasty, America can still smell a turd and flush a loser like this one. This show portrayed the Swingers Lifestyle about as honestly as Scandal portrays politics. I believe Eternally Pouty Olivia Pope swinging with The Pres more than that bomb.
04/14/15 at 05:41pm
It was show for entertainment purposes only. If anyone watched it to get a accurate glimpse into the swinging lifestyle they were sadly misled.
04/14/15 at 03:33am
It is a good day when reality shows are canceled! :D It's even better when they don't make them in the first place. Instead of wasting space and time on "Neighbors Screwing Neighbors" they could be making real, solid entertainment.
04/12/15 at 06:44pm
Please someone start a petition to give to a&e to bring back neighbors with benefits .at least air the already filmed 9 episodes. Please bring it back
04/12/15 at 10:54am
I find it funny.... in the days of DVRs and commercial skipping to think a show on some third tier network is even known about can be a stretch.To give it 2 episodes and, well, no advertising, what do they expect??? I certainly never heard of this show (not that I'd have watched it anyway based on the synopsis) and I do watch Bates Motel and The Returned on A&E. But, as stated, I skip commercials. And I'll even go so far as to wait for the onDemand version of the show so I don't have to see those 1/3 screen popup ad which are so hideous. Networks need to learn that viewers don't care about their 5 - 5 to 10 minute commercial breaks during an hour show. It's just far, far too easy to circumvent them any more. Buy a show and air it. THEN determine if you'll buy another season. Just saying.. like the music industry downfall, television networks seem to be roughly 10 years behind the times and they'll need to rethink marketing if they are to survive over Netflix and other streaming services.
04/09/15 at 11:01am
Hey 1970's called it wants its show back
really did we even need this with all thats on.whats next dog wars a show about contests if it is a show ok if not good idea
really did we even need this with all thats on.whats next dog wars a show about contests if it is a show ok if not good idea
04/09/15 at 10:42am
Lol too late! Now the world(including their poor kid's friends if they have kids) knows they're all freaks. They went through all of that only to be cancelled after two episodes.
Do what you do behind closed doors as long as it's consensual and legal but to put that type of business out in the open its just ridiculous.
Do what you do behind closed doors as long as it's consensual and legal but to put that type of business out in the open its just ridiculous.
04/09/15 at 04:16am
There are 9 episodes.. only 2 aired.. Does anyone know if they are releasing the remaining episodes, airing or online? It was trash TV... but a very curious and weird watch.
04/08/15 at 07:30pm
04/08/15 at 04:27pm
Had to google to see what this show even was.
Feel really sorry for the kids of the couples participating on this show. Its now recorded and first-hand sourced forever and ever that when they were little, their mommies and daddies liked to doink the neighbors. don't really care what these adults do to each other, or that such a show exists, but out of al of America, A&E couldn't find couples without children to cast? Its like accessory to child abuse.)
Feel really sorry for the kids of the couples participating on this show. Its now recorded and first-hand sourced forever and ever that when they were little, their mommies and daddies liked to doink the neighbors. don't really care what these adults do to each other, or that such a show exists, but out of al of America, A&E couldn't find couples without children to cast? Its like accessory to child abuse.)
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