The veteran reality will sign off in 2017.
November 16, 2016
A&E announced today that Duck Dynasty will be coming to an end after its current season, which premiered tonight. The reality series will be closing out an impressive 5-year run that in 2013 saw it become the most-watched nonfiction series in the history of cable TV.
The current batch of Season 11 episodes will air through to January 18 before taking a short break. The show will then return on March 1 with seven final episodes that will conclude the series. When Duck Dynasty signs off on April 12, it will be going out on a high note, as it currently ranks as A&E's most-watched series.
Fans of the show will be pleased to hear that while its regular season format is coming to an end, a series of holiday specials is currently being planned for the future.
11/29/16 at 02:57pm
You say aybe thier fans will pick up a book, yet the cast has written several best selling BOOKS that fans obviously who is the uneducated one?
Ed Gordon
11/28/16 at 05:05pm
Yes Dave is delusional. Also I dont really care what their religion is as THAT is ultimate delusion. The only time I even remotely care about religion is when I make sure I dont let others dictate how things will go in MY life based on THEIR religion. Its ALL bunk if you ask me and has no place in a logic minded society. Its WAY more trouble than its worth and literally the only thing good about it is that it serves as a good leash for the masses and keeps them docile and under control. So its not so much the religion that ticks me off about them, its the fact that they are under cover racist
SOBs and if I had a dollar for everytime they said the word "nig*er" or "sp*c" behind closed doors, among their own little circle when the cameras were off, id be a MILLIONAIRE!
Fred is ron
11/21/16 at 01:48pm
I like how they are called "Faith based" when they are what I once read was "Trying to serve two masters" They want to be faith based they would not have 11 seasons of a high rated show"
They found that gullible people will buy the faith angle and went with it. Others looked into their history and saw the truth.
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."
11/21/16 at 11:34am
David is delusional.. the Robertsons are about MAKING MONEY... nothing more. They were a bunch of rich college douchebag frat boys until they latched onto the "beard" marketing plan. Once that made money.... they went with it. The ONLY people on this show that are even REMOTELY "real" are Phil and Si... everyone else is doing what their publicists tell them to do.
11/20/16 at 10:02pm
Sad to see this show come to an end. There aren't many family friendly wholesome shows on anymore. The Robertson family is one of the best families in America. They stand for their faith no matter what people say, and have inspired many families to keep standing for Faith, Family, and Friends. Proud to be in the "basket of deplorables" with this family.
Ed Gordon
11/19/16 at 03:18pm
Yes, FINALLY get these undercover racist SOBs off the air!
11/19/16 at 03:06pm
Never could see what people saw in this.
11/19/16 at 10:31am
Finally! When this swill ends, the average IQ in America will rise 3 points. Perhaps some of its viewers will pick up a book! I know, wishful thinking...
11/18/16 at 08:54am
I like how shows just randomly make up seasons. if you started in 2013 you are on season 5. Also look at what A&E has become...of course your the highest rated show when you go up against storage wars season 23.
11/17/16 at 04:07pm
@Bill .... Come on.. You know as Pope *MY* preaching is good... it's everyone else that's WRONG!!!!!!! :) I'm just like all other Popes :)
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