A superhero drama following an innocent cop who takes on an alter-ego after he was framed for a crime he did not commit.
Vince Faraday was an honest in Palm City who was framed for a series of murders. Left for dead after being caught, he is saved by a circus ringleader who prepares him with special abilities.
Separated from his wife and son, Vince now takes the law into his own hands with his new abilities as The Cape, as he works to rid the city of corruption while trying to clear his own name.
Comments (2)
04/03/12 at 01:43am
It really is too bad this show didn't gain enough momentum to see a 2nd season. It had a great storyline, likeable characters and stupendous actors such as Keith David plus it had some really decent special effects for a TV show. Networks should at least order 2 seasons of ANY show because 1 season is just never enough, no matter how bad a show can be. Ratings and numbers mean nothing; shows usually hit their stride by the 2nd season and definitely the 3rd and onward. It amazes me that garbage filled programs such as "Jersey Shore" last more than 2 seasons but quality programming such as "The Cape" get cancelled without even barely finishing the first season. Then again, I suppose it all comes down to the viewers who just can't seem to recognize a good show if it was standing right in front of them.
10/15/11 at 06:27pm
This was the worst super hero TV show since The Last Greatest American Hero back in the 80's! Terrible cast and storylines! When he got trained by a circus ringleader; that was a real joke! Glad it was cancelled after one night! LOSER!