A reality series following a Louisiana bayou family operating a thriving duck calling business.
Duck Dynasty follows the lives of the Robertsons, a Louisiana bayou family who went from rags to riches from the sale of their duck caller, The Duck Commander.
The cameras follow family members as they attempt to run a successful business while staying true to their values and lifestyle.
Comments (49)
04/03/15 at 05:01am
what happened to the show it has"nt been on for a couple of weeks. why would you put the stupid shows on and not show duck dynasty are you communist. uncle is the best.
03/30/15 at 05:35pm
LOVE,LOVE,LOVE this show !!! I LOVE that at the end of every show Phil & his family thank the good lord for ALL their blessings !! This is THEE ONE SHOW THAT SHOWS WHAT GOOD CHRISTEN VALUES, & GREAT MORALS , & FAITH brings to a family !! A simple bond that shows what GOD' BLESSINGS bring to a family with great values ,& morals !!! Keep it coming A & E ,don't stop now ! Mans sinful rules,THE LORDS WORD !!! And yes finally a show that my grandchildren can watch and not having to worry of any foul talk,sex,sin,& simple great morals !! PHIL ROBERTSON FOR PRESIDENT !!! LOVE IT,LOVE IT, LOVE IT ! A family that gives BACK TO THEIR COMMUNITY !!! DUCK DYNASTY KEEP IT COMING !! Grandmother & grandchildren LOVES YOUR FAMILY !!! And we live in a big city & YES JASE I LOVE FROG LEGS TOO !!!
03/30/15 at 04:56pm
3/30/15 For the past few weeks I tune my boob tube on to A & E and HAVE NOT SEEN ANY DUCK DYNASTY SHOWS!! What is going on ??? I LOVE this christen based , loving,funny cast of rednecks?? A & E where is my favorite show???
11/29/14 at 10:12am
Geat lots of seasons
08/28/14 at 05:10pm
Please cancel this mess it is horrible & has been from the start. They all need a good shrink & we need to stop rewarding bsd behavoir. Put this thing out of our misery. Who ever thinks this crap is great needs to see a shrink too.
07/16/14 at 10:50pm
Love this show, its the only one a whole family can watch anymore. Most of everything else seems to filled with disgusting homosexulaty,perversion,drugs,voilence and Antichristian behavior.
Its funny how Hollywood does not have a problem with someone being hateful to Christians or moral teachings. But dare someone disagree with homosexuality and you will be bullied until you apologize and lose your job. But this time it did not work because Robertsons are real Christians with a big Christian backing. All over the country, Christians of all colors and ethnicites support them for their courage and lifestyle.
You can push the homosexual lifestyle all you want but in the end Natural Law and Gods Law is unchangable.
This family is very genuine even the son Willie adopted a black baby and asian student. They give to the poor and dont follow the protocols of Hollyweird or lamestreet media.
Its funny how Hollywood does not have a problem with someone being hateful to Christians or moral teachings. But dare someone disagree with homosexuality and you will be bullied until you apologize and lose your job. But this time it did not work because Robertsons are real Christians with a big Christian backing. All over the country, Christians of all colors and ethnicites support them for their courage and lifestyle.
You can push the homosexual lifestyle all you want but in the end Natural Law and Gods Law is unchangable.
This family is very genuine even the son Willie adopted a black baby and asian student. They give to the poor and dont follow the protocols of Hollyweird or lamestreet media.
07/16/14 at 10:37pm
The Robertson's Stick with Jesus Christ and Nature. They don't follow what the Entertainment industry tells them is normal. The same industry which promotes and contains all types of twisted things.
If someone is Offended by Christian Teaching that is their problem. Jesus Christ never said don't offend others, He said speak the truth and help people!
People can get offended for anything. Eventually someone will be offended. Therefore we should not live worrying about who we might offend. Im sure polygamists,pedophilia or people living in incest or bestiality get offended if you disagree with their lifestyles.
Homosexuality is unnatural and dangerous. And this fact wont change, no matter how much you try to bully Christians like the Robertson's.
07/16/14 at 10:33pm
Phil Robinson was 100% right homosexuality is disgusting and evil like bestiality. One does not have to be Christian to realize homosexuality is wrong. Because its common sense. Their are countless Atheists in the world who realize this by Nature! Its Natural Law that homosexuality is wrong. Man+woman=baby which is the main purpose of sexual relationships. If all our ancestors were homosexual than we would not be here.
And homosexuality clearly leads to tons of negative side-effects. Even the CDC has shown these statistics such as the Homo's created Aids and have higher rates of aids,Cancer,drugs,alcohol intake,sexual diseases,suicide and many other things. Not to mention homosexuals are like animals having hundreds and hundreds of partners.
Some of these comments show that the anti-christian liberal brainwashing is working. They control Media,Hollywood and even Schools. Their homosexual agenda is working even pushing homosexuality on poor elementary students(look it up). Whats next incest,pedophilia maybe bestiality how about polygamy? After all Homosexual Hollywood is known to be filled with pedophilia look at Corey Feldman went through! Don't think they wont push that eventually.
The propaganda has gotten so bad that my kids cant even watch Teen-nick shows like big time rush without seeing homosexual behavior on the commercials! And attacking someone for grammar, just shows how pathetic you people are. That is the lamest internet attack. When you don't have a good response you attack their grammar.
And homosexuality clearly leads to tons of negative side-effects. Even the CDC has shown these statistics such as the Homo's created Aids and have higher rates of aids,Cancer,drugs,alcohol intake,sexual diseases,suicide and many other things. Not to mention homosexuals are like animals having hundreds and hundreds of partners.
Some of these comments show that the anti-christian liberal brainwashing is working. They control Media,Hollywood and even Schools. Their homosexual agenda is working even pushing homosexuality on poor elementary students(look it up). Whats next incest,pedophilia maybe bestiality how about polygamy? After all Homosexual Hollywood is known to be filled with pedophilia look at Corey Feldman went through! Don't think they wont push that eventually.
The propaganda has gotten so bad that my kids cant even watch Teen-nick shows like big time rush without seeing homosexual behavior on the commercials! And attacking someone for grammar, just shows how pathetic you people are. That is the lamest internet attack. When you don't have a good response you attack their grammar.
06/17/14 at 09:46pm
Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a donut because your on a diet
05/31/14 at 06:02pm
Love the show....love love love it. Love it. Hate on that.
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