A drama following a teenage girl whose life drastically changes when she becomes a star.
Hollywood Heights is the tale of a young girl whose life is altered dramatically when she becomes a star and wins the love of her rock-and-roll idol. Along the way, they are both are tested by setbacks, heartbreak, and deception.
Comments (132)
04/28/21 at 05:22am
I just discovered this show and it's so good! I really hope that eventually there will be season 2! It would be so great!
09/25/20 at 06:45am
I really think there should be made a season two. A lot of people love this show and there’s still so much more that wasn’t covered in the show it just ended with Eddie and Loren we all wanna see much more! Like if they get married, if Chloe and Tyler go down for killing Katy, what happens with max and Nora, Mel and Adam, Adrianna and Phil and the baby. Lorens career and Eddies. I watched this show back in 2012 and then just one day it never came on TV again and a couple months ago I thought of the tv show and it took me a week to search for the show because I was trying to remember the name and I’ve watch it and finally finished it and can’t help but want to see more !
06/30/20 at 09:52pm
Hollywood heights needs to air again was an amazing show who ever wrote the script and directed this show knew what they were doing. When the first episode aired I didn’t think much of it but when the season progressed I thought every episode always had something new it would leave you wanting more after every episode. Maybe one day it will air again.
05/24/18 at 11:54pm
I want hollywood heights back for a 2 season i love the show i love the song one day at a time i love the song mars i hop they have anther season
01/15/18 at 04:47pm
y cant i seem to find season 2 of this movie in which i desperately need to watch smh... i need to know a site i can watch season 2 on asap
10/27/17 at 06:38am
08/13/17 at 10:11am
bring back Hollywood heights my favorite show please nick is lame without the show and I don't care if you show repeats cause that's all they do until new episodes come out please bring back the show
07/16/17 at 08:59pm
I love Hollywood heights more than anything. Please make more seasons.
07/03/17 at 10:22pm
Omg y'all need to bring back the show please !!!! It was so amazing and fantastic !!!! I can't live another day not knowing what happens next !!!! Please please just bring back the show !!
06/02/17 at 07:36pm
Hollywood heights was amazing and I don't understand why it was cancelled and now nowhere to be found it was a great show and it was to bad that it was cancelled
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