
- Cancelled -
5.0  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Oct 02, 2013 - Oct 16, 2013




Drama / Crime




Ironside - Blair UnderwoodGary - Brent SextonVirgil - Pablo SchreiberHolly - Spencer GrammerTeddy - Neal BledsoeEd - Kenneth Choi

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A drama following a fearless cop who will do whatever it takes to solve New York's most notorious crimes.

Detective Robert Ironside is a tough cop working in the gritty world of the NYPD. Two years ago his spine was shattered by a bullet, confining him to a wheelchair - but he won't let that slow him down. Together with his team of trusted specialists, they will do whatever it takes to solve the city's most notorious crimes.

Comments (15)

10/19/13 at 02:01pm

Not a wise move to place directly opposite CSI.
10/18/13 at 07:41pm

Blair Underwood is excellent as Det. Ironside. Am so annoyed that so many good
shows get cancelled after only a few episodes. This show should be given a chance.
10/18/13 at 03:39pm

Carol, could not agree with you more! Just because a show does not do well in the 24-49 group doesn't mean it should be cancelled. Maybe the 'executives' need to be reminded that the over 49 group (baby boomers) is still the largest part of the population with more spending power than all the others combined!!! Bring back this show!!!
alan miller
10/18/13 at 03:33pm

this was and is one of the best pd shows and not a cookie cut from other shows very sorry to see it go!!!!
Give it some time!!!
10/08/13 at 05:23pm

Are they going to take a great show like this off the air so soon without giving it a chance what is wrong with this picture? TNT lost a great show in Monday Mornings. You know, older people have a right to good entertainment also, and you seem to cater to they younger set. Sucks

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