A crime drama following an officer who becomes one of the first female member of the Texas Rangers.
Molly Parker is a sheriff's daughter who rises to the top ranks of the elite, male-dominated law enforcement establishment known as The Texas Rangers.
Comments (131)
11/09/15 at 03:33am
ABC does little for its viewer the lease they could do is put it out on DVDs so we can enjoy what there is.
05/09/15 at 06:28pm
8 episodes does not make a season. I think ABC went into this series as a way to placate the producer and keep her in a show they need. I do not know the ratings, but know I watched every episode live and wish they had more. ABC is developing a reputation for dumping good shows just because someone at the top does not like them. They would be well served by reaching out to people who watch a series to find out why they like it, or not. I really have an issue with the way ABC cancels good shows without giving them a fair chance.
11/13/14 at 08:02pm
I loved this show. All the shows I liked are being canceled!!! why?
10/13/14 at 10:04am
this show was awful glad it got cancelled
09/23/14 at 06:35am
It is a shame that reality shows take priority over shows that send a strong message. Molly's character was a victim of domestic violence. The fact that she got the courage to take a stand sends a message to all women out there going through the same thing. Educated strong women are also abused. The show Killer Women gave me a reason to watch ABC. So much for that!!!
07/31/14 at 11:37am
ABC has cancelled almost all the show I watch on there network, I think the people at the top are STUPID!!!!!
07/16/14 at 12:29pm
I just watched the complete season (episodes 1-8) on HuluPlus and was disappointed to see that ABC had cancelled the show. I really like the character Molly Parker and the supporting actors. The way that people view t.v shows has changed so much in the last 5 years. I personally like to watch the whole season at one sitting (over a few days) and I think many other viewers do the same thing. It is sad that ABC didn't give this show a chance to catch on with the viewers. Maybe another network will pickup this show (wishful thinking)?
07/01/14 at 04:38pm
I can't believe that ABC took this show off the air! It was my favorite show on the network! I wish you would bring it back! It was well written for a cop show because it showed how women can be in different areas of the law enforcement field that most people still think is for men only.
06/12/14 at 12:55pm
Killer Women was about the only show I watched on your channel. It was the best. Why did you cancel it? Many of the shows you have on your channel to me is just garbage.
05/30/14 at 11:33pm
I guess ABC doesn't know how to be the number one watched TV station. If they did they wouldn't be cancelling this show and keeping The Bachelorette, extreme weight loss, or Mistresses? I don't have a desire to watch people fake date or exercise and get yelled at or hop from bed to bed. Not my idea of entertainment. Stop cancelling the good shows!!!
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