A game show where contestants step into a giant cube to tackle high pressure games.
Dwayne Wade hosts this game show where contestants, working in pairs or alone, have nine lives to beat seven high pressure games inside a giant plexiglass cube. The winner could take home a grand prize of $250,000.
Comments (12)
08/06/22 at 06:09am
When will they announce an air date for season 2? I really enjoyed the first season and am looking forward to season 2.
02/07/22 at 00:07am
I like the show it’s funny it’s intense it be having you at the edge of your seat I’m really hoping for season 2 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
01/06/22 at 08:12pm
Katherine - I hope so but there has been no word yet...
01/06/22 at 06:02pm
Is this show coming back on
11/18/21 at 09:22pm
It's a ok show, but way too much talk. Don't like tuning in the next week to see what happens to contestants. Need more action.
10/08/21 at 00:41am
I like it enough to want Season 2!!
10/07/21 at 09:41pm
Bring on Cube 2
10/06/21 at 03:28pm
bring season 2
09/16/21 at 10:11pm
Love this show
09/01/21 at 06:59pm
Please cancel this show!!
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