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Air Date

Sep 15, 2023






Liv - Jenna ColemanWill - Oliver Jackson-CohenCara - Ashley Benson

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A thriller following the psychological chess game between a couple whose marriage has gone wrong.

Liv and Will are a British couple who appear to appear to be happily married and living a glamorous life in New York. But after they embark on Liv's dream road trip, she finds out about her husband's infidelity. And the lies don't stop there. What lengths will Liv go to for revenge?

Based on B.E. Jones' novel of the same name.

Comments (1)

Steve S.
09/15/23 at 00:38am

Ashley Benson appears to be an other woman. I would have gone with Cara Delevingne. Then murder them both, for good measure, before Liv does. Liv may go full Lorena Bobbitt anyway. Sounds like checkers, not chess.

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