4.8 Avg User Rating
The medical drama will conclude after eight seasons.
February 9, 2012
The producers of long-running Fox series House have announced that the show will conclude at the end of this season - its eighth. On the air since 2004, the series will have aired 177 episodes by the time all is said and done.
Currently 11 episodes remain until the series finale, which is slated to air on May 21, 2012.
(Source: TV Guide)
Comments (23)
11/21/12 at 05:38am
I miss HOUSE! Best Effing show ever!
05/21/12 at 08:50pm
Show hasn't been the same since the original cast split up! I liked it better when it was more about the medicine! Now it's just like any other soap opera to me!
05/18/12 at 11:07pm
Really? Another awesome show cancelled. I don't even like dr shows, but this one is one in a million. This sucks
05/14/12 at 07:21pm
this is my favorite tv show and i dont want it to end :(
05/08/12 at 07:49am
I loved the show right up until House rammed the car into Cuddys home...after that I was done. There were previous times when the show was tough to watch (the David Norse story arc) but I always came back...until the Cuddy car crash, now I don't even watch the reruns. I hope the writing/production staff learned that there is a line each character should not cross...if they want the fan base to stay with them. I wish Hugh Laurie, the cast and staff all the best in the future, but for me the House series never went past the 7th year.
04/23/12 at 11:11pm
This was truly one of the great shows but I do agree with a couple posters that it has run its course and it would have been downhill from here. This was by far it's worst season and the producer is right to end it on somewhat of a high note.
04/02/12 at 05:32pm
I hate to see House go I wait every week to see the new episode. The last I knew when Hugh Laurie was on jay Leno it was the creator of the show that was ready to go no one else and Hugh said he loved doing the show and didn't want it to end. I do wish curry was still on the show it reminded me of the sexual tension between molder and scully off of the x-files another show that fox ended up screwing up with it seems the greatest shows always get the shaft in the end. But one thing is for sure House and his craziness will be missed.
03/13/12 at 11:36am
03/11/12 at 04:43pm
The creators made a big mistake when they had House ram his car into the house, then jail.
The show was based on his crazy antics while coming up with a cure for each weeks illness.
They shouldve stayed on the road, but veered.
It was a pleasure watching the show, to much crap is on TV
The show was based on his crazy antics while coming up with a cure for each weeks illness.
They shouldve stayed on the road, but veered.
It was a pleasure watching the show, to much crap is on TV
03/09/12 at 04:57pm
Ive watched every episode of this show literally.. and anyone who thinks this show should come to an end is drunk... i spent hours watching every episode...and now....lame..
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