5.0 Avg User Rating
The mid-season drama will not return.
May 10, 2013
CBS has cancelled freshman series Golden Boy after one season. The police drama was a mid-season replacement that premiered in February, running for 13 episodes. The series finale airs May 14, 2013.
Comments (66)
05/07/14 at 11:22pm
It seems to me everyone should be blaming / suing the Neilson ratings people for discriminating against people over 49 for all the good shows being canceled. If you're between 18-49 years old you get your choice of what to watch. Over 49 and your voice just does not count anymore. Loved this show. Hate to see it gone.
03/07/14 at 05:49pm
please put this show back on or someone else pick it up...this was a great show. Give this show a chance, it is so good and now we are all left hanging.. why do you always take the good shows off?
01/01/14 at 10:58am
we cant believe u cancelled this show we've been looking 4 this show everyday since the new seasons started and now 2 hear you've cancelled golden boy sucks royally especially since u ended it the way u did we've waited all summer and u never said a word about it not coming back on we are very pissed and disappointed in u, u could of give us a heads up and we see no reason why u should of cancelled golden boy seeing the kind of reviews it got it was one of the best shows on tv nxt to ncis so you've just disappointed millions of viewers or more world wide u show a lot of stupid crap on cbs but u stop a show that is as good as golden boy what were u thinking well u probably weren't thinking that's the problem with u people u don't care what we think or want
10/17/13 at 04:11pm
I have been looking every day for this show to come back on & just found out it was cancelled. I cannot believe it! What is next, Blue Bloods???? Please bring this show back...
09/10/13 at 09:23pm
08/09/13 at 12:51pm
Who can we petition to save golden boy? Another network should save this show and show cbs tje error of their ways. The story and actors were excellent
08/01/13 at 08:43pm
This is a great show..great cast and good story. Not surprised though...TV is becoming worthless...shows like Survivor, The. Kardashians, and Honey Boo Boo. Will be the only choices at this rate.. I hate to even get started on a good show sometimes because so often they are gone.
07/29/13 at 06:39pm
Please keep the show Golden Boy on. It is a good drama that we truly enjoyed watching.
06/15/13 at 00:51am
What a HUGE mistake. This was a great show, cast was excellent. I never missed an episode. I cannot believe CBS would cancel this show and leave some of the other crap on that should be cancelled. They need to pull their heads out of their, you know what's, and bring it back. SOOOO disappointed with CBS!
06/13/13 at 06:56pm
I'm so disappointed with CBS. The last show was so dramatic and now everything is just left hanging forever. It really was one of the better of the new shows this season. The acting was great; the plot never boring. I loved the tension and competitiveness between the younger cops and the father/son relationship between the partners. Bummer, bummer, bummer. Wish some other network would pick it up.
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