4.8 Avg User Rating
The series will be back for a shortened sixth season.
March 21, 2014
USA Network announced today that White Collar has been picked up for a sixth season. The cable network has ordered six new episodes of the dramedy for what is rumored will be the show's final season.
UPDATE: The sixth and final season of White Collar will premiere on Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 9:00pm.
Comments (39)
12/09/14 at 08:25am
Grow up people! The networks don't care about you or your opinions. Public outcry, what a joke. Shows are purely a business. It takes more resources, make that MONEY, to create a scripted show like this than an inane unreality show. As long as there are american couch potatoes to sit in front of the TV and watch the advertising, the networks will continue this trend.
11/25/14 at 01:43pm
This is by far one of my favorite tv shows please please please don't cancel it.
10/24/14 at 09:43pm
I agee with all of the comments. Wow! They CANNOT cancel this show. No, no, no... Hubbie and I love this show. What a decent show. The acting is terrific, the storylines are amazing. So many other stupid and rediculous and senseless shows on. I guess they need to add more sex and violence to capture a bigger audience. People are just stupid!!! Networks are stupid!!! They got my vote to keep this show alive. Network people: do the right thing for once.
10/24/14 at 07:44pm
Sad commentary.....hopeful the public outcry will change minds of network & this show will continue beyond it's currently planned short finale.
10/15/14 at 11:26am
This is one of the few decent TV shows left . I loved Dexter and Damages and White Collar is right up there with them !
I cannot believe they are cancelling this POPULAR show - WHY ? WHY? WHY ?
Maybe another network will pick it up - it is such a shame that there is so much drivel on tv - this show is clever , the story lines are slick , the chemistry is awesome - I will so miss this show .
I cannot believe they are cancelling this POPULAR show - WHY ? WHY? WHY ?
Maybe another network will pick it up - it is such a shame that there is so much drivel on tv - this show is clever , the story lines are slick , the chemistry is awesome - I will so miss this show .
10/08/14 at 02:27pm
I agree with the above comment. I loved the show I would be sure I was home to see it every time.I am sick of some on the trash that says on TV, some of it makes me want to stop watching TV for good.
09/13/14 at 02:32pm
White Collar has been my favorite show since it started. In fact, at that time, I would tell everyone that USA was the best network on TV. I can no longer say that as it has changed so much. Families could enjoy the programs before; now we have to find other networks to watch. Too bad for former USA fans. Too sad for White Collar fans!
09/01/14 at 09:43pm
Yay! I am afraid to get too excited until I actually see it. White Collar is a terrific show and I don't want it to end that way. The die-hard fans deserve closure even if it is only 6 more episodes. And yes, I will absolutely miss those GORGEOUS BAABY BLUES!!
08/30/14 at 07:14am
If they're curious why the popularity has fallen for shows like White Collar it's because of the 6 month hiatus between seasons. I would bet the Baby- boomer generation being the largest section of TV watchers today are not happy with the 'dead air' time between episodes. We're used to watching our favorite shows on a 'regular' basis. Something in our life at this age has to be regular! Come- on networks and cable/ satelite channels! Start listening to your viewers!
08/28/14 at 01:20am
It seems like every time I like a show it gets canceled. Whats wrong with these people canceling a very good show and putting crap on to replace it. Iam starting to lose faith in the USA channel. If they don't get their sh t together iam going to stop watching the USA channel Maybe if they get enough people complaining, maybe they will renew it. Stranger things have happened.
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