4.1 Avg User Rating
The Fox musical will return midseason for its final run.
July 10, 2014
More details are emerging on Glee's upcoming sixth season, which will be its last. The long-running musical is being planned for a return in midseason 2014-2015 with a 13-episode run, down from its typical 22.
The show's creators worked with network executives to agree on the best way to end the series, which resulted in the shortened season. Word is the final story will be told over 13 consecutive week-to-week airings.
Update: The final season of Glee premieres on Friday, January 9, 2015 at 8:00pm.
Comments (9)
07/13/14 at 01:10pm
I couldn't bring myself to stop watching this show after the second season. I had two years invested in it, and I liked the characters. The original cast is so talented and I hope they succeed in whatever they do after the show. The show declined in quality since the third season. I think it's run its course and it's time for it to end.
07/13/14 at 01:44am
I have watched Glee semi-faithfully for the past several seasons. I find myself fast-forwarding through the musical numbers. I don't have any ill-feelings toward the show, but I won't miss it once it's gone. It has run its course.
Chloe: Your comment to Genevieve was unnecessarily rude. Genevieve, your comment was fine.
Chloe: Your comment to Genevieve was unnecessarily rude. Genevieve, your comment was fine.
07/12/14 at 07:20pm
Genevieve, being in your 30's and saying something like "younger then me" makes you look like a complete moron. You need to go back to grammar school.
07/11/14 at 09:41pm
Probably one of the most obnoxious shows of all time.
07/11/14 at 05:24pm
may all involved never work again.
07/11/14 at 09:39am
Thank God! It's about time.
07/10/14 at 04:40pm
It is still on? Probably will be replaced with something even more stupid - another [un]reality show.
07/10/14 at 03:48pm
I watched the first season then watched the 2nd on and off. Maybe it's cause I'm in my 30'S, but I felt it was made for someone younger then me. Anyways, for the actors I'm sure that they don't want to be known on;y for Glee, being too long in one tv show make you a type-cast, I'll be curious to see what the cast does with it's acting career after this.
07/10/14 at 02:54pm
Never watched the show. Won't miss it.