5.0 Avg User Rating
The talk show will not continue.
August 29, 2014
Wil Wheaton announced on his blog this evening that Syfy will not be ordering any more episodes of his topical comedy series, The Wil Wheaton Project. The show debuted this past May, airing 12 episodes through August. Wheaton cited low viewership as the reason for the cancellation.
Comments (28)
10/09/14 at 05:04am
This was a great geeky show that filled a void left when G4 disappeared. I swear that Syfy doesn't count recordings as part of viewership, and they should because they put things on at the same time as other good things. I know I usually had to record the episodes on the second time each one was on and they need to consider that as well. Terrific geeky show that was a nice break from naked bloody gladiators and wrestling which is what they're gravitating towards more and more and ignoring science fiction which is their name. They dump everything good and keep the crap.
10/03/14 at 03:27pm
Not a surprise. He's not funny and not nearly as talented as we're supposed to believe. Hopefully SyFy will put something decent in it's place instead of more of the same drivel we're becoming accustomed to seeing.
09/30/14 at 03:59pm
No! :( We watched it! It was fun.
09/26/14 at 01:54pm
Yep, more room for professional wrestling, sharks, and crazy schlock like Rhinogater vs. Spydercow. Hey, how about steel cage death matches? Makes me wonder what kind of demographic Syfy's aiming for.
09/18/14 at 02:23pm
09/10/14 at 11:34pm
This is not good news. I thoroughly enjoyed this show, finding it funny, witty and entertaining. I will miss it.
09/08/14 at 07:46pm
YAY! More room for Wresting on the SYFY channel... YAY?
09/05/14 at 04:25pm
This was basically "Talk Soup" of the SciFi and Fantasy genre.
09/04/14 at 10:42am
Never watched it ... oh well, nice try Mr. Crusher !!!
09/02/14 at 03:00pm
Great premise, poorly executed. Do we really need green screen and canned laughter? If it had been done in a talk show style it could have been amazing. Let's be honest, it wouldn't be hard to fill a studio with like minded geeks!!
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