The sci-fi series will return for Season 2.
February 8, 2017
After a successful launch in December 2016, Netflix will be bringing back Travelers for a second season later this year. A co-production with Showcase in Canada, Travelers will start production for season 2 in March. Canada will continue to see Travelers on Showcase, with Netflix only streaming the two seasons for customers in the US.
Taking place hundreds of years in the future, lead actor Erik McCormak and supporting cast work to prevent a terrible future from taking place by sending their consciousness back in time to the 21st century. While navigating the complex relationships of the time, the team works to complete their high stakes missions.
Look for Season 2 of Travelers in the fall of 2017.
Beth Griese
12/28/17 at 04:27pm
This show's writing is incredible! The premise very unique and actors are fantastic. Love love this show
12/19/17 at 10:50am
Season 3?
Fran Skene
08/03/17 at 08:28pm
Someone said that season two won't be on Showcase. Not true. is announcing the start of season two October 16. Yay.
04/20/17 at 07:21am
I love everything about this show.
04/15/17 at 02:06pm
In response to a previous comment, this site's description of this show does not say it takes place in the future. It doesn't even imply it.
02/21/17 at 07:24pm
Looks like i'll have to watch Season 2 in another form since they don't want it on Showcase.
02/20/17 at 06:21am
Wow! Lots of cool stuff sent back to our time to be built and assembled by different teams without knowledge of the other teams. Too cool. I really like the last one of the FBI intervening in the destruction of the director, which we only learned in the last episode was a computer program!! I can't wait to see what's next, especially a peak into the future??
02/12/17 at 07:23pm
Watched 2 episodes.... saw NOTHING really original anywhere... just a cop show with a twist.... hardly worth my time.
02/12/17 at 03:18pm
Good! I like this show, glad they are keeping out around for another season
02/09/17 at 09:01pm
It does not "take place" "hundreds of years in the future". We have not once "seen" the future in this show. We "hear" about, and the travelers themselves are from the future but the show actually "takes place" in the present.
(All that aside, I really like the show, looking forward to a second season!
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