The docuseries will continue in the 2018-2019 season.
March 14, 2018
It is being reported that A&E has renewed Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath for a third season. The docuseries, which recounts experiences with the Church by the outspoken actress and other former members, is part of a recent slate of shows that have helped the cable network reverse its fortunes as of late.
The premiere of Scientology and the Aftermath in 2016 attracted attention due not only to the public's curiosity about the controversial and mysterious religion, but also because of the church's high-profile feud with producers of the series. That attention helped the show's freshman run become one of cable TV's top new unscripted series of that season.
No premiere date has been announced for Season 3, but look for a return later this year.
08/18/18 at 04:42pm
Leah I respect you for exposing Scientology, but you might want to explore the history of the Catholic church also. They don't even want you to bring a Bible to church. I encourage you to read it for yourself. All we need is Jesus to get to heaven!!! They also are putting Mary on a pedastal, she is no more important than anyone else. Please read the Bible and you will see you don't need a priest to have a relationship with God. Respectfully yours, Sandy
04/13/18 at 01:18pm
I have watched every episode of this show and every repeat when I had the time. Leah Remini has shown her bravery and selfless character in risking the wrath of this manipulative Leviathan known as the "Church" of Scientology. The previous comments on Remini's quest for cash as a lure to continue the series are clueless with regard to the relentless harrassment tactics employed by church leaders and members.
No amount of money would entice the vast majority of people to take on this behemoth monster whose tactics finally wore down the IRS into giving this phony church tax exempt status. I am suspicious of the posts claiming that Remini is in this for the money. She is, once again, cast in a hit sitcom and no doubt has little extra time (nor does she need the A&E cash) to spend taking on the likes of this evil empire just for money...NO...she is doing it to help those souls suffering from the Aftermath of this cult. She is doing it to warn vulnerable individuals, loners or social misfits--people on whom this cult preys...of the dangers of this cult.
She is doing it to initiate change by making government officials aware of the abuses toward children and of the enslavementent of the Sea Org members. Those who have seen the episodes on the sexual assault of underage girls from the lips of the victims should at the very least support Remini's efforts on this board. Those who have not are in no position to comment. BTW...I have never been a scientologist and do not know anyone personally who has been in or left that cult. In other words, I have no skin in the game. You as citizens of this country have an obligation to investigate on your own and to take the appropriate actions to shut down this harmful cult.
Steve S.
03/21/18 at 00:42am
Hey @Dispatcher - I love spunky fiesty adult women, or men, with responsible careers like you who think you own the place - even if I’ve never heard of you before. Please tell us more about what you know about Scientology. What you wrote is close to being worth reading, it almost qualifies as a tease. There’s probably a couple people still reading this thread and I for one am serious about you saying something substantial. I recommend Closer To Truth to you too, as it covers topics which might lead one to Scientology and it should help you to grow as a person - it’s never too late. It really is my favorite show and should be anybody’s that likes philosophy, intelligence, and science. Perhaps if you are up to it, you can give reasons for us to watch the A&E show - make it worth at least one person’s time - it doesn’t get much weaker than just liking it because you know somebody. Thank you Dispatcherer.
03/20/18 at 01:39pm
Steve and Truther.....this is not your personal page to argue between yourselves! State your opinion of the show and be done with it! Enough jabbering back and forth like school children. The rest of us want to see what people think, agree or disagree, and be done with it....not banter back and forth for two or three pages! I like the show because I've known someone who got involved and gave up his family to join. Then when there was no more money pay for their courses, he was told he couldn't be part of it anymore. Screwed him up badly. There, I'm done.
Steve S.
03/19/18 at 06:08pm
Hahahah - Now you’re the victim! Hilarious! Truth and Truther about what? You threw out an incoherent denial of being an atheist and won’t say what it is you believe. The only time I might be a religious zealot is in calling out anti-religious zealots and blowhards. I didn’t come to you. Perhaps you are the member of TV minister Deepak Chopra’s church of the god of consciousness, god itself. He is on the atheist hit list because he denies both atheism and religion. Are you going to deny your faith one more time? I hear the cock crowing.
03/19/18 at 10:22am
it is not uncommon when presenting the truth to religious zealots, the presenter is attacked, because the truth hits a bit too close to home and they know it's reality.
Steve S.
03/18/18 at 04:35am
“There is NO SUCH THING as bad press.” - a familiar cutesy tripe and another of your chestnuts gone bad. So the reporting on homosexual priests who preyed on boys promoted the Catholic church? You think so huh? I know I shouldn’t be wasting my time, but here goes.
How many names have you been using here before the gem Truther? I bet many. You want to define Christianity as a cult which says a lot about you and nothing about Christianity. Most people do not think a diverse organization of hundreds of millions of people is a cult. Jim Jones created a cult with Peoples Temple. Do you use the term air-conditioning to include heating too? (In your case, who knows?) The first definition of air-conditioning includes heating, but everyone understands air-conditioning to mean cooling.
And I’m stupid because you assume I think you are an atheist! Wow, what a creative way to cast me as stupid. Perhaps you call yourself agnostic, or a Buddhist, who cares. Agnostic is largely a cop out anyway. Very few people, and pretty much all the intelligent ones, do not believe there is knowable proof of God or knowable proof there is no God. It’s pretty much you believe or you don’t believe. Are you a nihilist or a Buddhist? Nevermind, let’s end this.
03/17/18 at 02:55pm
.. and Steve, atheism inherently can NOT be a cult -- look up the definition of cult. Christianity is a cult.. just as Scientology is.. just as Mormonism is... It's my assumption you think I'm an atheist because I find Christianity as guilty of abuse as anything religion... so who's the "stupid" one here???
03/17/18 at 02:53pm
There is NO SUCH THING as "bad press". Remini is promoting Scientology even in spite of defaming it. She's getting the word out.. informing people that it exists if they were unaware... all while cashing in herself. If she were REALLY interested in helping these people it would all be done OFF camera and WITHOUT publicity.
Steve S.
03/16/18 at 11:49pm
Truther? - The name makes it appear you are mocking yourself, yet no one should be that stupid. Suggesting that this show is in any way spreading the good word of Scientology is similarly half-witted. Another chestnut gone awry? Chistianity is not a cult anymore than atheism is a cult. There are cults of atheists where they get together typically to make fun of religion. That is their purpose and their pastime - being anti-religious. Some atheists try to turn nihilism into a good thing - seems rather insane to me. If one is able to work out the logic, that this is all just an accident is as illogic as anything. Please watch the best show on TV which is Closer To Truth. The brain behind it is an atheist, but he explores different ideas seriously and respectfully. You should learn a lot.
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