4.5 Avg User Rating
No Season 5 for the veteran drama.
May 12, 2018
Word is out that CBS has cancelled Scorpion after four seasons on the air. Star Katharine McPhee confirmed the news on her Twitter account this morning, thanking her cast mates and crew for her time on the show.
The action drama, which follows a group of geniuses helping to solve high-priority crimes, was a decent performer for the bulk of its run. Its most-recent season saw a significant downturn in viewership, however, making today's cancellation somewhat expected.
Comments (45)
09/26/18 at 07:08pm
I'm so disappointed that CBS has chosen not to renew Scorpion for
Season 5; my husband and I looked forward to watching this refreshing show about "really" in a way every day people;
I oft times wonder who makes these decisions ...
A very very disappointed fan
Season 5; my husband and I looked forward to watching this refreshing show about "really" in a way every day people;
I oft times wonder who makes these decisions ...
A very very disappointed fan
09/02/18 at 07:40am
Going to miss this show - it was refreshing to watch a TV Show that didn't involve always killing the bad guys or violence always being the solution.
08/02/18 at 07:47pm
I hardly ever watch TV and this is why ... You air something good that people are interested in and then you cancel it !! I don't know who makes the calls CBS but I suggest you start listening to the viewers opinions before you have no viewers left !!
07/24/18 at 06:23pm
That figures. A show that people like watching, They cancel good shows so they can put on crap that no body wants to watch. I can't tell you how many shows they have taken off just to put on shows that does nothing for their ratings. They never consider what the public wants, they just decide we are going to cancel this show. CBS, you are going to lose a lot of audience because of your inability to listen to the people on shows that people enjoy watching. This is our personal opinion and ours alone.
06/04/18 at 07:08pm
I loved this show alot I hope someone pick it up. So it can go on.
05/23/18 at 09:35am
I kinda lost track of this show after the first few seasons, but one of the things I most appreciated it for was its emphasis on the benefits of using real intelligence combined with scientific principles to solve problems.
Also: the fact this show is based on a real genius.
Too bad they're cutting quality programming and leaving the garbage behind.
I kinda lost track of this show after the first few seasons, but one of the things I most appreciated it for was its emphasis on the benefits of using real intelligence combined with scientific principles to solve problems.
Also: the fact this show is based on a real genius.
Too bad they're cutting quality programming and leaving the garbage behind.
05/20/18 at 05:49am
As soon as they switched from the main focus of the show to heart break, love interests, and cheating, I knew the show wasn’t long for this world. Let’s hope Netflix or someone rescues this show and returns it back to the original focus.
05/18/18 at 07:35pm
Please do not cancel this show my wife and i really loved this show instead you put on shows that are all about sex or politics.thanks a lot CBS and goodby
05/18/18 at 08:58am
05/16/18 at 05:17pm
Liked it for a couple seasons but was getting bored. The stories were all about them in the end!
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