No Season 2 for the drama reboot.
April 17, 2020
It is being reported that Freeform has cancelled Party of Five after just one season. The sad news comes less than two months after the family drama finished its 10-episode freshman outing.
The show was a reboot of the acclaimed 1990s Fox series of the same name that ran for six seasons. Structured in a similar manner with a modern-day take on its family situation, the new Party of Five received generally-positive reviews, but like the original, suffered from lacklustre ratings.
The series follows a family of five children as they deal with life's daily struggles after their parents are unexpectedly deported to Mexico. Left to fend for themselves the moment they said goodbye to their mother and father at an immigration detention center, the kids must fight through adversity and find a way to function as a family unit.
04/29/20 at 00:41am
Inconito: I did watch the show and I liked it. I was just upset from before. Sorry.
04/28/20 at 11:11pm
@: "@" Why are you yelling? This is just a forum where people are free to express their opinion. Party of 5 may or may not be your cup of tea, but you need not insult others because you feel poorly. I personally hope it does receive that 2022 pick up.
04/28/20 at 08:24pm
@Ayn: It would be awesome if someone else DID take a chance on it. I would love to see more of the story.
04/28/20 at 06:50pm
in case anyone hasn't been paying attention a SJW has hijacked alot of commenter names here.but thats what SJW people do they have NO CREATIVITY. They hijack existing IP.its always going to be something with a fan base built in .does not matter if its TV .movies .comic books .IT DOES NOT MATTER TO THEM.THEY WILL RACE SWAP GENDER SWAP PUT POLITICAL NONSENSE INTO IT.AND THEN IT FAILS .AND THEY DONT UNDERSTAND WHY.if the SJWS want their voice heard so badly all i can say is make your on IP but you guys can' just want to steal from people that did it better. AND THATS WHY YOU WILL ALWAYS FAIL
04/28/20 at 02:48pm
It's actually being shopped to another network for winter of 2022. So FreeForm's loss might be another's gain. We just need to stay tuned, this could end up being "One Day At A Time" 2.0.
04/28/20 at 01:33pm
It was different from the original.
04/28/20 at 01:32pm
But Barb, I actually DID watch it, and what I shoud have said is "There were not enough viewers were like you and I " to savethe show on FreeForm. I could really relate to the show being undocumented with autistic challenges.
04/28/20 at 01:24pm
a decent show and they cancel it
04/28/20 at 12:55pm
What is wrong with having a feel good show
04/28/20 at 12:43pm
I really enjoyed this show and was really looking forward to seeing what happens in season 2!
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