A dramedy following a troubled novelist whose move to California and subsequent writer's block complicate the relationships he has with his ex-girlfriend and daughter.
Hank Moody is a charming novelist plagued by many personal demons. He has dealt with years of writer's block, which he blames on his surroundings in LA as well as his girlfriend, Karen, leaving him. Hank must deal with the consequences of his use of drugs, sex and alcohol, while trying to show his family that he can be a suitable father and monogamous partner.
Comments (4)
07/02/14 at 05:12pm
Funny show. Yet it's sad that so much of it is true with broken people that can't see past there selfish games.
01/05/14 at 02:21am
one of the best shows of showtime
12/04/13 at 09:36pm
Great show, way better than any trumped up "reality show".
04/11/12 at 01:40pm
Love this show!