A syndicated fantasy adventure series.
The series follows the epic journey of a young woods guide named Richard, a mysterious woman named Kahlan, and a wizard named "Zedd". Together they fight to stop Darken Rahl from unleashing an ancient and terrifying power.
Comments (13)
02/05/16 at 09:54am
Excellent. Please bring it back
02/17/15 at 06:05am
This is so sad. This show was excellent! Bring it back
11/08/14 at 01:11pm
I know I am three years to comment on this show, but hey better late then never. I dont know why, they cancel every freakin show that is good, it was one was my favorite show. They cancelling, one by one, every show that I like. May they rot in hell. :P
07/01/14 at 07:26pm
Loved this show. Hate that it was cancelled. The writing was very good.
02/28/13 at 11:53am
This was such a great show. I don't know why it got cancelled. But i think that y'all should bring it back. The actors play such a wonderful role. I love the show wish they wouldn't have cancelled!!
10/23/12 at 07:05pm
The best show since Spartacus. sam rami produced this show xena herc and spartacus.
10/01/12 at 03:21pm
I know it's a couple years too late, but cancelling this show is just absolutely uncool. Please redeem yourselves and bring it back. Also, when Nathan Fillion is finished with Castle, please bring back Firefly. Unforgivable that it was cancelled in the first place. If it was too expensive to produce, i'm sure American citizens would donate an obscene amount to bring it back.
05/19/12 at 02:39pm
I am still upset that this show was cut short. There was a great story line and even better actors and actresses to back it up. There was so much potential for this show. I don't care if someone compared it to Xena. Xena was awesome, too! I just think they screwed up cancelling this show. People didn't know about it.
04/27/12 at 05:40am
The show was nothing like the books. The set-up was loosely based on the books, but then it just became a new version of the Hercules and Xena series.
04/09/12 at 11:28pm
This was an incredible show. I wish I had watched it when it was on the network.
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