A comedy that follows a high school basketball coach who resorts to prostitution in tough times.
Ray Drecker was once a sports legend in his high school days, but as a high school basketball coach is now facing desperate times.
Middle-aged, divorced, and struggling to provide for his kids, Ray looks for a second job to make ends meet and finds that he can use his exceptional physical endowments to change his fortunes.
Comments (6)
06/22/12 at 06:02am
This is why I will not renew my subscription with HBO.
06/17/12 at 08:29pm
Loved this show, Finally a show about my profession. Except that most of my Janes are 65 year old heavy women
04/30/12 at 06:16am
They do have a survey. When enough people watch the show then they keep making it.
04/10/12 at 06:56pm
I know u didn't cancell this show HUNG damn y'all taking all my shows off! Who's running this....I believe you need 2 take a survey. Y'all bring a these new shows on that no one is watching. So if. U did cancell it pleases bring it back!
03/20/12 at 08:21pm
What a piece of crap!!!
09/20/11 at 09:55am
Hung is returning October 2, 2011 for Season 3. It will be a 10-episode run.