A reality series following four friends traveling the country and helping strangers.
In The Buried Life, four friends set out to help strangers accomplish their dreams while also crossing items off their own bucket list along the way.
Comments (4)
05/22/13 at 04:18pm
This show was so good and cute. Of course if it is a good show it gets cancelled.
06/07/12 at 04:35pm
I LOVED THIS SHOW. It was one of my favourites, I really wanted to know what they were going next. The best episode was when the they tried streaking at that baseball game. I will miss them and their great sense of humor. *cry silently*
04/11/12 at 12:05pm
I really liked this show!!! It hooked me in with the episode where they crashed the wedding and I liked watching them help people in every episode accomplish something they've always wanted to do. I can see how it wasn't must see tv but I liked it.
02/05/12 at 06:32pm
I can't believe they cancelled this show! It was really good!!!!!1