A drama following the rebuilding of a New Orleans neighborhood following Hurricane Katrina.
It has been three months since Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. The neighborhood of Treme is the focus of this HBO series, which follows its residents as they begin the process of rebuilding their lives, the homes they live in, and their culture.
Comments (4)
02/21/14 at 04:24pm
Please leave TREME alone. Watching it makes me closer to my relatives in New Orleans and Baton Rouge.
12/01/13 at 02:08pm
I will gratefully take 5 more episodes. It is a shame to see it end though. The excellent acting, excellent music and mouth drooling food make this show a must see. Crisp writing and (I'll use it again) excellent directing take this show over the top. I hope enough people speak out to keep it on the air past the 5 new shows. Treme is a wonderful rare gem of a show that deserves to continue.
10/11/13 at 05:35pm
I LOVE TREME and MISS it soooo much!!!!!!
WHEN IS TREME coming back and how many seasons will there be???? HELP!!!!
WHEN IS TREME coming back and how many seasons will there be???? HELP!!!!
09/28/13 at 07:52pm
When will Trend return.