A comedy following a socially inept teenager navigating her way through high school.
Jenna Hamilton is an awkward teenager having a hard time with her identity. After an accident sparks rumors that she attempted suicide, Jenna is now the talk of the school.
After this life-changing incident, Jenna must now deal with everything that comes along with her new-found attention.
Comments (4)
12/06/11 at 07:17am
LOVE this show! just love the protagonist and the window the viewers get into her mind!
11/27/11 at 11:36am
Love this show, though it was long time ago it so reminds me of the show "My so called life" :) when is season 2 coming out?
10/15/11 at 08:17pm
best show EVER.!!! Needs to be on at an earlier time though & needs to be for an hour. ♥
09/30/11 at 02:46pm
YEA I LOVE THIS SHOW I LOVE JENNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!