Pan Am

- Cancelled -
3.7  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Sep 25, 2011 - Feb 05, 2012








Maggie - Christina RicciKate - Kelli GarnerColette - Karine VanasseLaura - Margot RobbieDean - Jonah LotanTed - Michael Mosley

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A drama following the flight crew of Pan American World Airways during 1963.

Welcome to the Jet Age, where passenger airplanes fly people across the world at 30,000 feet. Air travel embodies luxury, and Pan Am is the Number One name in the business thanks to its fancy plans, studly pilots, and gorgeous stewardesses.

But it takes more than just good looks to represent this airline. The Pan Am crew has to be educated, refined, and cultured. They are trained to handle anything and everything that can happen in-flight. And in Pan Am, anything and everything does.

Comments (102)

05/14/12 at 11:37am

...another ABC done with them....
05/14/12 at 11:31am

VERY UPSET!!!! This was a very interesting show, showing how life was back then it showed us a piece of history.
I can't believe they didn't get a second season, it was one of the best shows we had in many years,each show told us a story of history that happen in different part of the glob they flew to, and the acting was great as well.
Hope they would bring it back even if at different days and times
05/14/12 at 10:43am

You made a mistake in cancelling this show.
05/12/12 at 02:58pm

Too bad they don't know that a lot of us don't watch reality TV. I really liked this program and the actors. Ugh!
05/11/12 at 03:34pm

UGH!a few really good shows were cx this year! I can't get over the fact that staged, celebrity reality shows keep ratings and run for years but then these narcissistic celebrities probably pay the networks to keep them on.
05/11/12 at 02:01am

I'm saddened by this cancellation. However, like Playboy Club, its for the best. The two shows should have been on AMC and not network TV. AMC would have done a better job of researching and producing them. Pan Am was full of historical inaccuracies, but on the whole it was a great show.
05/01/12 at 09:12am

oops! typo - I obviously meant "Mad Men"
05/01/12 at 09:11am

I'm not sure it beats "Mas Men" even by inches, much less miles, but "Pan Am" *was* a really good show. Very interesting and well acted. Good plots, too.

I'll tell you what, it beat "The Playboy Club" by miles and miles - that's a good comparison .

Was "Pan Am" really canceled?
04/27/12 at 08:50am

That's too bad! I thought the show was well done and all the character plots were interesting! It touched into topics like politics, racism and homosexuality among other "of the times" related views. I'm in my early 40s and this show was entertaining because it was smart and sexy. I guess you'll get renewed if it's in your face TV. There are few shows like this and it gets cancelled without giving it a second chance! Booo ABC!!!
04/26/12 at 10:33pm

Unfortunate decision. This was a great show.

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