A comedy following an anger management therapist who has anger issues himself.
Charlie is a former minor-league baseball player who is working on overcoming his own anger issues in order to become an anger management therapist.
This is easier said than done, as Charlie's friends and family don't make things easy for him.
Comments (24)
12/05/13 at 07:01pm
SickCharlie Was Brilliant In Two And A Half Men. That Is Much Because Of His Co Stars. The Problem With His New Show Is He'sThe Same Old Despicable - Only Now Shriveled pew- Sex Crazed Disrespectful, Self Absorbed Narcissistic Jerk Exact Same Character As Two And A Half Men. EXCEPT NO CHEMISTRY with His New Costars. We Are Sick Of Him NowAnd His Histrionics!! He Has Irreparably Ruined His Career. Sorry Charlie! YOU FUCKED UP Bigtime This Time!# duh
10/01/13 at 04:07am
I love the show charlie and other casts make me laugh keep up the good work please don't cancel my favorite show like others have done before.
09/19/13 at 06:24am
I love Anger Managemant and with Charlie Sheen on anything it will be WINNING...lol...he makes me laugh no matter what he is...any show is better with Charlie!!:)
08/24/13 at 02:56pm
This show is getting weaker and weaker each episode he should of stayed with two and a half men and done a final season with them because thats almost as unwatchable as this !
04/02/13 at 03:48pm
charlie sheen can do better. I give the the show credit for finding a group actors who play his patients who work out well, but show is not desirable and ex wife is blaa.
03/26/13 at 07:46pm
The last five episodes have averaged less than a million viewers. Imagine if you were one of the FOX affiliates who were strong armed to buy this in syndication for big bucks. They have now stooped to "stunt casting" talentless Lindsay Lohan and some NASCAR driver. Sheen will start using heavy again or get bored, writers will start quitting because of the work load, actors will start sleep walking thru scripts, and before you know it, the ratings will be in the low hundred thousands before long. This was a disaster just waiting to happen.
03/21/13 at 02:12pm
anger management--FAIL
2.5 men FTW!!
keep it simple no need for long drawn out linguistic responces,
and yes i know my spelling suks
2.5 men FTW!!
keep it simple no need for long drawn out linguistic responces,
and yes i know my spelling suks
11/27/12 at 11:35am
There's just something about Charlie that draws you to him. I just plain love to watch him on TV.
11/20/12 at 08:39pm
Two and a half men was dieing a slow painful death. Charlie leaving wad the best thing! Loving Ashton. Anger management isn't keeping my interest.
10/12/12 at 08:41am
Not for nothing, but in this context, it's PRINCIPLE, not PRINCIPAL.
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