Jacqueline Maxwell
11/06/19 at 09:29pm
Bring back best ink it was a great show
Dana V Larsen
03/05/19 at 09:38am
I really miss Best Ink! The positive energy and comradery of the contestants along with the helpfulness of Joe was an outstanding example of the true competitive spirit. Should be emphasized and expanded upon. Not the train wreck of negative crap that constantly comes with Ink Master. Plus, much, much better artists on Best Ink, hands down!! Much more fair and expressive judging as well. Its truly a crying shame that this was the featured tattoo contest that got canceled! Better in every way, no question! I'm over 70% covered with basically one tattoo that has won top awards at shows. I do know good art from Ink Master!! Please bring back The true winner of the skin art reality shows, please!! Positive energy, comradery, and people helping one another does sell, look at how well Face Off did!! Not everyone likes watching back biting hostilities. You had the best thing on TV, why did you ditch it??!! Shame on you.
Demetrius Williams
08/30/18 at 09:25am
Best Ink was the best tattoo show ever. I miss it so much. It was real and raw. Please bring it back and show the other tattoo show who is the boss best!
11/30/17 at 03:58pm
Best Ink is an excellent show. I hope that it can come back.
A lot of the the contestants are top notch, the challenges are interesting. Kudos to Joe for being able to drop weight and get healthier, it shows his dedication to himself and the show.
The only thing I would change is to have another judge to be Joe's counterpart, preferably Hannah.
07/27/17 at 09:21pm
this was the first tat show that was worth watching! now all these other shows are copycats...i hate them. why o why cant best ink come back? im a fan of all of the judges&the artists! talk about raw &real talent! BRING BEST INK BACK! please please please.
just one season...
Annette whitfield
12/16/16 at 06:30pm
Why is it that best ink did not come back on. we need this show back on INK MASTERS IS GREAT but I also loved best ink..please bring it back... if Dave does not want to come back there are lots of other artist that will take his place.
Rowman Talhard
10/14/15 at 02:28pm
It would be nice to see the show come back on
Personally am tired of Ink Masters every year of
Fat Head dave navarro also that they don't have
Female judges. That is why I like Beast Ink the Best.
07/20/15 at 05:57pm
Thisnshownneeds to be back on miss watching it
07/01/15 at 04:59am
Will best ink be back this year, 2015?
01/31/15 at 06:21pm
Will Best Ink be renewed for 2015 season 5? I can't find out one way or the other. Thank you