A 2012 update to the classic prime time soap opera.
Dallas revolves around the Ewing family, who are known in Texas for their wealth made from their oil and cattle-ranching endeavors. The new Dallas continues from the original series that ran from 1978 to 1991.
Comments (77)
03/27/15 at 07:38pm
I want Dalllas back! How dare u bring it back give us a big taste then cancel! This is not fair to all fans and u just let it hanging! Not nice
03/24/15 at 01:20pm
I can't believe Dallas was cancelled. I watched the original one and was excited when this show came on. Was really looking forward to viewing it. TNT made a mistake on canceling this show.
03/19/15 at 05:14pm
I post ages ago BRING BACK DALLAS one of the best shows of recent years its a joke when you see something like this cancelled and see the crap they are renewing.
03/19/15 at 03:16pm
My husband and I watched the original Dallas TV show and loved it. We started watching the new series and loved that too. I can't beleive it's been cancelled already we're very disapointed about this. TV is all cop shows and reality and a few stupid comedy shows. Dallas was a welcome change of pace.
03/13/15 at 11:24pm
I was devastated to find out that Dallas was cancelled. I live in Fort Worth and have actually been to Southfork Ranch. I've been watching this show since I was a kid. The writers did such an awesome job in rebooting this series. They cancel shows way to early nowadays. With most shows, I'm upset but I move on, but with Dallas...I grew up with this! Can't they move the show to a different network? What about playing it as a daytime drama? Any suggestions, anyone???? BRING BACK DALLAS!!!
03/12/15 at 02:23pm
Bring back Dallas!!!! I watched the old Dallas and the new one was even better. All my friends were watching too and we couldn't wait for the next season. Found out it was cancelled and was devastated. All I can say is I hope another Network will pick it up.
03/02/15 at 03:20am
Confusing cancelation. The new Dallas is a show had a lot of bad deeds, the good writing & fine jobs all the actors were doing were obvious-as well as all the others that orchestrate music, wardrobe, scene creation & filming, etc. The new show brought back so many things well the show was known for before. It is hoped all the actors, actresses, & writers are treated well, everyone that made the show well done.
03/01/15 at 08:41pm
Please put back the show Dallas was great !
02/25/15 at 01:19pm
Not sure what TNT was thinking. I really was glad to see Dallas back on and it was better than ever. The cast was awesome. Again another good Show Cancelled. What is the deall with good Shows being cancelled.
01/29/15 at 10:28am
I am a younger viewer who looked forward to season 4. I can't believe TNT would not renew one of the best shows on their line-up. I grew up watching the older show and could not wait for the new Dallas. I am so upset that I will never get to see what happens next.....
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