A drama that puts a sophisticated, but twisted spin on Bram Stocker's classic novel.
In the late 19th century, the mysterious Dracula has arrived in London posing as an American entrepreneur looking to bring modern science to Victorian society. But the true reason for his travels is a plan to extract revenge against those who cursed him with immortality centuries ago. His plan appears to be going smoothly until he becomes interested in a woman who appears to be a reincarnation of his dead wife.
Comments (150)
01/30/20 at 00:10am
Really? A show about Dracula got canceled? We need more Dracula? Clearly there is not enough Hollywood movies about Dracula? There needs to be a serial about Dracula! There needs to be more books about Dracula! I would love it if Hollywood made five or six more movies about Dracula! And maybe three or four television shows about Dracula! The world needs more Dracula! Brutally funny Hollywood reviews podcast
10/29/15 at 01:19am
Oh please please please let Netflix take this awesome show and run with it!!! Then the network executives that canceled it can see what a huge success it is for Netflix and maybe realize that they keep dumping the good shows and keep putting crap on tv that "normal" people can't stand. YAY Netflix.
10/08/15 at 10:39pm
Each episode had me wanting more....great disappointment to hear of its cancellation. Good news if Netflix is picking up season 2. Makes sense considering the direction they're going in.
01/06/15 at 12:31pm
Turns out that Netflix has picked up the series and Season 2 will air late 2015.
12/26/14 at 08:02am
Let me guess - it's being replaced by yet another reality TV show. I think i'll just stop watching TV and just buy DVD/Blu-rays.
12/04/14 at 03:06pm
but whyyyy? pls bring it back:( i love Jonathan Rhys Meyers ,he is the best choice for this role
11/30/14 at 04:02am
11/05/14 at 06:35am
Why canceled? This was one of the best SF series I have seen so far. It had it all...
10/19/14 at 08:04pm
I fricken loved this show, but then again I could watch jonathon rhys Meyers read the phonebook. but it was a really good show! one of my favorites! it had everything, it was fast moving, unpredictable, violent, romantic, scary, sexy, dramatic, VAMPIRES, decent writing, good cast, WTH??
10/15/14 at 04:41pm
What the...?!? This show was great! Jonathan Rhys Meyers was intriguing as Dracula. Sure, it was different, but it was GREAT. So disappointed.
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