A competitive murder-mystery competition.
In Whodunnit?, a group of wannabe sleuths compete to solve a weekly murder mystery in a mansion using clues found at the scene of the crime, the victim's last known whereabouts, and the morgue.
Comments (69)
02/25/23 at 00:51am
I can't believe Whodunnit was almost a decade ago now. It's criminal that it only lasted the one summer; very few "reality" TV shows ever captured my interest like this one did.
07/31/19 at 07:53pm
We want whodunnit because it builds suspense and a lot of riddles I like
03/27/19 at 07:04pm
Whodunnit? Was such a good show! Me and my sister would watch it every week and try to guess the killer. We constantly think about the show and wish it was still on today. Please bring it back!!
07/31/18 at 08:45pm
We need a second season of Whodunnit. When the first season was earing my friend PJ and I had so much fun trying to guess the killer. PJ was right. Whodunnit was the best series ABC has ever made.
04/01/18 at 09:36am
Love whodunnit and it should totally be brought back. I’m tired of rewatching season 1, I want new characters and a new murderer.
08/14/17 at 07:22am
Bring Whodunnit back that show was awesome.
11/06/16 at 05:06pm
Love the show too
07/01/16 at 08:23pm
I want to see whodunit tv show to come back I love that show i know alot of people want to see this show come back because it has it on the top of ur seat I want it come back to abc network I hope they come out with the 2nd season like they promise I really want to watch whodunit show
01/24/16 at 00:05am
01/17/16 at 06:02pm
That's sooo unfair!!!! I want Whodunnit to come back!!! I was so upset when it ended... Me and my best friend are dying for it to come back... Besides, to me a show would be renewed for another season if like they won an award for that series of show... Like dance moms won a blimp from the kids choice awards... And tbh sometimes it gave me nightmares... But I'm used to it
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