A comedy following a young boy figuring out life after his parents divorce.
When he was an 11-year-old boy, Henry had always been the wingman to his blind father. But things abruptly changed when his dad got a new guide dog to help him out and his parents told him that they are getting divorced.
Now grown up and narrating these past events, Henry realizes that his parents' split actually brought his family closer in some unexpected ways.
Comments (71)
05/12/15 at 11:16am
Truly a bummer. I suppose it wasn't dripping with sex and profanity so why keep it around. So sad that shoes have to be so dirty to stay on. This show was so cute!
12/18/14 at 08:36pm
My 13 yr old Grandson watched every week w us! He said it was his favorite!! As others have said.... No Volgar language, it taught human kindness & principles! So sad they take this show off and left others! I don't even watch the basic channels anymore! ABSOLUTELY HEARTBREAKING! BTW - only time I've ever written about ANYTHING! I guess that means you won!
My 13 yr old Grandson watched every week w us! He said it was his favorite!! As others have said.... No Volgar language, it taught human kindness & principles! So sad they take this show off and left others! I don't even watch the basic channels anymore! ABSOLUTELY HEARTBREAKING! BTW - only time I've ever written about ANYTHING! I guess that means you won!
11/12/14 at 09:24am
I think its coming back on may 28
11/09/14 at 10:18pm
This show was an enjoyable, clean-cut and dealt with family issues in a respectable way. This cancellation is a loss.
10/29/14 at 05:45pm
Should never been cancelled!! There are too many terrible shows out there that kids are watching and getting crap from. This one was decent, one they could learn principles from. Whoever makes your decisions . . . sad.
09/20/14 at 10:59am
This sweet show was a favorite in my household. So unusual, clean and witty. Just a wonderful family show that of course, causes these stations to have to cacel. Good wholesome shows don't seem to make it in this tarnished world. Please bring it back.
09/20/14 at 10:56am
Wow, this show is GREAT!!! My husband and I love it, as do several of my family members, sisters, nephews,etc. Please someone else pick up this unique, funny, adorable, refreshingly clean show. Isn't it about time people who don't want to watch filth get a say??
09/17/14 at 11:11pm
09/16/14 at 08:36pm
Noooooooooooo, not canceled, we have been looking for this to come back all summer. Only show the whole family could agree on!!!
09/15/14 at 06:21am
I really like this show, it was actually decent and everyone could watch it.:(
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