
- Cancelled -
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Air Dates

Feb 17, 2014 - May 12, 2014


The CW


Drama / Sci-fi




Emery - Aimee TeegardenRoman - Matt LanterGrayson - Grey DamonTaylor - Natalie HallJulia - Malese JowLukas - Titus Makin Jr.Teri - Chelsea GilliganDrake - Greg Finley

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A drama following the love between a human girl and an alien boy.

When Emery was 6 years old, an alien spacecraft crashed in her town. It carried a species known as Atrians, and a ferocious battle ensued between the humans and aliens.

In the midst of the war a 6-year-old Atrian boy, named Roman, came across Emery's house. She protected him and fed him - and even became his friend. During this time they forged a deep bond, but Roman was eventually captured by the authorities and believed to have been killed.

10 years later, the Atrians are still on Earth but are interned in a heavily-guarded camp known as the Sector. Now, for the first time, a group of Atrian teens will enroll in high school, with the goal of testing the integration of humans and alien species.

Emery discovers that Roman is actually not dead, and is one of the Atrian students. They rekindle their childhood bond, but their relationship is threatened by tension between the two communities.

Comments (58)

05/12/14 at 10:51pm

Make the right choice BRING IT BACK!!!! BRING IT BACK!
05/12/14 at 10:49pm

Bad choice in cancelling this show... really bad!!!! Great show! Tried of all the good ones get canceled and the crappy ones are still on the air!
05/12/14 at 09:51pm

I love this show!! I need to know what happens to the humans and if Taylor had her baby!! Bring back this show!! I always look forward to watching it!
05/12/14 at 09:08pm

I love this show! It can't be cancelled!! I need to know what happens to all the humans and if Taylor had her baby! Bring back the show!!
05/12/14 at 08:09pm

Seriously CW is going to loose me for good in cancelling this & The Tomorrow people this is getting ludicrous
05/12/14 at 01:39pm

Nooo!!! Bring it back!!
05/12/14 at 09:07am

really really I am angery about this one!
05/08/14 at 10:12pm

I LOVE this show!! I am shocked that they are canceling it! It's really a good wind down kind of show! Please bring it back!
05/07/14 at 10:38am

Please renew this show. Our whole family sits down to watch this. Great programme
You can't often say that.
05/06/14 at 07:02am

I really like this show. Please don't cancel it. There are to many shows I wil get into and they get cancelled and it sucks. I hate the fake reality shows and I'm not a cartoon person. I am 33 and have no problem watch shows more targeted for teens and this one is great!

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