A satirical comedy following a fictionalized character based on TV personality Donny Deutsch.
The life of television personality, single dad, and ad man Donny Deutsch is satirized in this comedy that looks at wealth, media, and romance through Donny's eyes.
Comments (6)
04/08/16 at 05:39am
Worse show I ever watched
03/24/16 at 10:41pm
Is this worth watching? Even if it doesn't get renewed?
01/30/16 at 04:51pm
Love him and his show, Please let it come back!!!
01/29/16 at 06:02pm
Funniest show ever
01/21/16 at 05:32am
Emily Tarver is the best part of this show. Expand on her character or better yet, give her her own show.
12/21/15 at 00:27am
The most shameless vanity project I've ever seen. Shocked if it gets renewed