06/14/17 at 04:50am
This getting cancelled just proves that anything good and intelligent doesn't work out. This was one of the few shows for intelligent people to watch and yet it's the garbage reality and game shows that are on instead. Almost everything good has been cancelled. Time to just start ignoring all the networks all together I guess.
06/11/17 at 01:43pm
Another good show killed off. The characters were interesting, the storylines were good, the technology was great, it showed what our police forces could really do if they had the right tools. It's a shame the network decided to cancel.
Kyle Brooks
05/29/17 at 06:13pm
Are you kidding me I love this show its the only show I like
05/28/17 at 10:37pm
This show was good and it was on Fox that was a bad omen from the start fox cancels and kills anything good in our lives they killed our firefly and they killed this to
Vickie Rhodes
05/28/17 at 04:03pm
I cannot believe they cancell d APB! They keep on stupid reality shows but cancel good shows with excellent actors! They need to seriously get a grip with what people want to watch!! Ugh....
Mustang GT Girl
05/26/17 at 03:05am
So upset that this show was cancelled. So tired of these networks taking off the good shows but keep bringing back these dumb reality shows. Not happy in Jersey.
Blake Myers
05/22/17 at 07:12pm
Nooooo!!!! Cancelled?????? Are you freaking serious???? Mayor gets shot, maybe killed, and Gideon says it's all just starting, then you cancel it and leave us hanging! Coolest show EVER!!!! Love all the gadgets he uses. Very, very disappointed in Fox. What a joke!
Michele Azevedo
05/22/17 at 03:40pm
I can't believe this show is canceled this show it's a great show and we loved watching it.
It was interesting with all the tech ideas he would come up with and funny. It never fails a show we really like gets cancelled and all those stupid reality shows get renewed, I give up.
05/20/17 at 05:33pm
Why would you cancel this good show, f*** you fox , guess I'm not watching TV anymore.
Erina Davies
05/19/17 at 12:23pm
I really loved this show . I thought the actors where great and I really liked the story line,the only thing I had a problem with was the cop who kept talking about his time in the army.