A thriller following the ramifications of the discovery of an asteroid set to impact the Earth in six months.
When an enormous asteroid is found to be only six months away from colliding with Earth, an MIT grad student teams up with a tech billionaire to try to save humanity from this catastrophic event.
Comments (30)
08/08/19 at 02:12pm
I wish they had had a chance to wrap this show up. I really liked it.
02/24/19 at 01:53pm
I don't understand those people that decide if a show goes on or not. When you compare this with other shows like ''the real wives of...'' then I much prefer shows like salvation. I don't understand this at all. At the moment it is all about reality trash. I really enjoyed this show
01/02/19 at 03:57pm
Sad 2 see this show canceled wish it could stay
12/30/18 at 05:27pm
I was very disappointed to see this show cancelled
09/24/18 at 12:51pm
I was intrigued and hoped for more.....
09/19/18 at 09:46pm
The ending to season 2 was a really good payoff. I really hope they dont cancel. At least give it one more season to wrap it up. I REALLY want to see what happens now.
09/19/18 at 03:49pm
Amazing season 2 finale.
Hooked for a 3rd and 4th season.
Hooked for a 3rd and 4th season.
08/29/18 at 12:14pm
I thought this show got off to a decent start and had hopes it would grow into itself. I liked the characters and they kept the tension building. But the second season has turned into little more than a soap opera so I gave up on it. It's too bad they couldn't have done more with it.
08/23/18 at 01:38pm
I have over 250 yet unseen recordings of many different shows from last season. I watched the first 2 episodes of the 2nd season of Salvation and just erased over 7 unseen episodes. I started watching this last year because I was interested in enjoying a SyFy thriller. It turned more into a political grudge fest and the asteroid became almost secondary in importance to the plot. I have just too many other things to try to get through before the new season starts next month to waste precious viewing time on a show that bores me. Bah Bye Salvation.
07/11/18 at 07:35pm
Watched this show when it first started and thought it was pretty good. Now watching it, I keep falling asleep, saved my recording and watched it wide awake and find it boring. not the same :-(.
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