A competition series where contestants vie to complete a challenging course through the streets of L.A.
This physical competition series gives contestants the opportunity to win $1,000,000 every time they run the Million Dollar Mile. In order to do that they will need to complete the most challenging course ever designed throughout the streets of Los Angeles while going up against a group of elite athletes whose sole goal is to stop them.
Comments (4)
08/04/19 at 09:52pm
None of these physical shows understand what makes American ninja Warrior work... And Tim Teebo is a terrible host
08/04/19 at 10:11am
Another decent show cancelled
07/29/19 at 10:57pm
It doesn't surprise me.
06/08/19 at 02:45pm
I like show, it's alright.
Let's face it, it's no American Ninja Warrior!
Let's face it, it's no American Ninja Warrior!