I Hate Suzie

- Cancelled -
3.2  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Nov 19, 2020 - Dec 20, 2022




Drama / Comedy




Suzie - Billie PiperNaomi - Leila FarzadCob - Daniel IngsCarter - Nathaniel Martello-WhiteFrank - Matthew Jordan-Caws

*Commissions are earned for purchases made through Cast links.
A dramedy following a woman whose life is turned upside down after being hacked.

Suzie Pickles is a woman who lives a fairly normal life - until her world is upended when her phone is hacked and pictures of her emerge in an extremely compromising position.

She can't help but unravel as the traumatizing event spreads to every aspect of her life. Suzie will go through the stages of shock, denial, fear, shame, bargaining, guilt, anger, and acceptance as she and her best friend try to hold her life, career, and marriage together.

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