An animated comedy following the adventures of a rock, a stick, a leaf, and a strawberry.
A rock, a stick, a strawberry, and a leaf are four best friends who have named themselves The Mighty Ones. They live in an unkempt backyard belonging to a trio of humans whom they believe to be gods. But despite their small stature, The Mighty Ones are determined to live life to the fullest and always have fun in their wild world.
Comments (3)
07/01/21 at 10:55am
LOL so much good stuff has been cancelled after 1 season and this is actually on Season 2.
12/21/20 at 05:57pm
i hope the mighty ones get cancelled bruh
11/09/20 at 12:38pm
If you wanted anyone to actually watch this nonsense you probably should have left out the description.