An animated comedy featuring a reimagined take on beloved Hanna-Barbara characters.
In the magical town of Jellystone, an ensemble of classic Hanna-Barbera characters live, work, and play together. Residents include mayor Huckleberry Hound, Snagglepuss, Captain Caveman, Yogi Bear, Cindy Bear, and Boo Boo, who each have a specific role in the community. In their daily adventures, their paths cross in fun and amusing ways - turning everyday life into hilarious pandemonium.
Comments (3)
02/22/24 at 03:21pm
Talentless Hollywood
07/29/21 at 01:18pm
Didn’t the Looney Tunes Show have this exact same premise?
07/29/21 at 03:59am
They've taken the classic cartoons and redrew them to look completely stupid.