The Midnight Club

- Cancelled -
3.6  Avg User Rating
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Air Date

Oct 07, 2022




Drama / Horror




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A drama following the members of a club who meet every night to tell sinister stories.

The eight members of the Midnight Club gather within a manor with a mysterious history every night at midnight to tell sinister stories – and to look for signs of the supernatural from the beyond.

Based on the book series by Christopher Pike.

Comments (5)

12/18/22 at 06:08pm

I have to chime in. I watched the trailer before i skipped on this poop.

very obvious, mid to late teens. also, what are they all doing in a room in a house after midnight?

nut then, and i think some post's here got deleted, but if you read the wiki, it is based on a book and the late teens meet EVERY NIGHT and discuss.

so let me ask, what part of this just got stupid. teens? unmanaged. meeting every single night in a location after midnight to meander stories.

can we say this is definietely not viable as a t.v show. and how did it make it into a book. i believe more in bunniculla than these numnuts abilities to show up every night, outside their homes, for storytime.
10/16/22 at 04:16pm

@ Joel..Are you afraid of the dark used "The Midnight Society"
10/16/22 at 04:15pm

Steve S apparently has never watched this and loves to comment rubbish on things he never watches. This show isn't even for kids. He assumes it only because there are "teenagers" in the show. Well we all know what assuming makes you and Steve S is one big ASS!
10/07/22 at 03:21pm

Didn’t Are You Afraid of The Dark use that term in the 90’s?
Steve S.
10/07/22 at 00:59am

Why do so many say kids don't watch tv yet they make so many shows than can only be for kids?

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