The Serpent Queen

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Air Dates

Sep 11, 2022 - Present






Catherine - Samantha MortonClement - Charles DanceDiane - Ludivine Sagnier

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A drama following Catherine de Medici's rise to power as the Queen of France.

At the young age of 14, orphaned Catherine marries into the 16th-century French court. But after realizing her husband is in love with another woman, her future is suddenly uncertain.

Catherine must find those who she can trust - both within her personal entourage of courtiers and members of the royal court - while outmaneuvering anyone who underestimates her determination to survive at any cost.

See how Catherine de Medici defied all odds to become one of the most powerful and longest-serving rulers in French history.

Based on the book 'Catherine de Medici: Renaissance Queen of France' by Leonie Frieda.

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